
From 04/29/2020 to 05/28/2020


02:19 PM EXP1904: Reference reaction Analyzing #469: Emission angle of 3He

Laboratory system

Left figure -angle of the 3He emision with respect to the beam. Red line corresponds to the ...

Ivan Muzalevsky
01:19 PM EXP1904: Reference reaction Analyzing #458: Fixation of parameters related to experimental setup

Without time-amplitude cuts for the central telescope

Summed spectrum from all 4 telescopes for thin target


Ivan Muzalevsky


02:41 AM EXP1904: Reference reaction Analyzing #469 (Открыта): Emission angle of 3He

Calculate an emission angle of 3He in both laboratory and the reaction center of mass systems.

Provide the followi...

Vratislav Chudoba


06:26 PM EXP_10He Developing #451: Testing simulation based on 7H experiment

Возникла следующая проблема: пучок не взаимодействует с мишенью. Среди частиц в файле sim_digi.root есть только пучок...

Софья Рымжанова


03:28 PM EXP_10He Developing #451: Testing simulation based on 7H experiment

Для реализации третьего пункта на основе класса ERDecayEXP1811 написан новый класс ERDecay10Heto8He.

Класс ERDecay...

Софья Рымжанова
03:22 PM EXP_10He Developing #451: Testing simulation based on 7H experiment

Выполнены первые два пункта задачи со следующими изменениями:

p { margin-bottom: 0.1in; line-heig...

Софья Рымжанова


12:24 AM EXP1904: Reference reaction Analyzing #396: Profile of the 10Be beam

We pay attention to the possible discrepancies with task 357.

One may observe that an anticipated position of the ...

Vratislav Chudoba


02:27 AM EXP1904: Reference reaction Analyzing #399: Target thickness

We decided to keep the obsolete results of this task and do not update them.

The main reason is that we find out t...

Vratislav Chudoba
11:40 PM EXP1904: Reference reaction Analyzing #420: Effect of rime growing on target surface

FOr the data analysis the parameters from the issue 458 were used.

All statistics was separated into 3 parts, corr...

Ivan Muzalevsky
12:52 PM EXP1904: Reference reaction Analyzing #417 (Открыта): Estimation of the 10Be beam trigger scale coefficient from experimental...

Ivan Muzalevsky
12:51 PM EXP1904: Reference reaction Analyzing #413: Beam integral

The beam PID was done with cuts, provided in issue 394
The used target selection is described in issue 396

Thick ...

Ivan Muzalevsky


01:46 PM EXP1904: Reference reaction Analyzing #396: Profile of the 10Be beam

I used following coordinates of the MWPC planes, provided by S.Krupko


Ivan Muzalevsky

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