Analyzing #420
Analyzing #397: Variation of the parameters
Effect of rime growing on target surface
Status: | Открыта | Start date: | 01/20/2020 | |
Priority: | Нормальный | Due date: | ||
Assignee: | Ivan Muzalevsky | % Done: | 100% | |
Category: | - | |||
Target version: | - |
To check the influence of rime formed at the target foils to the reconstructed kinetic energy of 3He, check the beginning and the end of the measurement performed with a 10Be beam and thick target.
- Provide all parameters which were changed in comparison to parent task 397.
- Provide two histograms of the missing mass of 9Li from all telescopes together with mean value of the peak corresponding to the population of the ground state:
- take a few days from the end of exposition on the thick target (27th June 2019) with reasonable statistics;
- take the same time from the beginning of exposition (15th June 2019).
#1 Updated by Ivan Muzalevsky almost 5 years ago
FOr the data analysis the parameters from the issue 458 were used.
All statistics was separated into 3 parts, corresponded to the beginning of the experiment, middle part and the end of the beamtime
The following figures represent the 9Li g.s. MM obtained from these data parts. Figures are presented chronological order (from left to right).
The 9Li g.s. positions are:
0.056 MeV, -0.043 MeV and 0.003 MeV
#2 Updated by Vratislav Chudoba almost 5 years ago
- % Done changed from 0 to 100