Analyzing #469

Analyzing #436: Reference reaction: Data analysis

Emission angle of 3He

Added by Vratislav Chudoba almost 5 years ago. Updated over 4 years ago.

Status:ОткрытаStart date:05/28/2020
Priority:НормальныйDue date:
Assignee:Ivan Muzalevsky% Done:


Target version:-


Calculate an emission angle of 3He in both laboratory and the reaction center of mass systems.

Provide the following histograms in the comment:

  • 1D angular distribution;
  • the dependency of emission angle on the 9Li missing mass;

The values should be provided in the form of the text file (and optionally as root macro with the construction of histogram with very fine binning) in the attachment.

he3_mm_9Ligs.txt Magnifier (28.1 KB) Ivan Muzalevsky, 05/28/2020 02:14 PM

he3_mm_full.txt Magnifier (258 KB) Ivan Muzalevsky, 05/28/2020 02:14 PM

he3_mm_canvas.C Magnifier - Macro to draw the presented distributions (138 KB) Ivan Muzalevsky, 05/28/2020 02:18 PM

he3_kin_9Ligs.txt Magnifier (26.4 KB) Ivan Muzalevsky, 05/28/2020 06:43 PM

he3_kin_full.txt Magnifier (68.7 KB) Ivan Muzalevsky, 05/28/2020 06:43 PM

CM_he3_mm_9Ligs.txt Magnifier (28.1 KB) Ivan Muzalevsky, 05/29/2020 01:45 PM

CM_he3_mm_full.txt Magnifier (70.5 KB) Ivan Muzalevsky, 05/29/2020 01:45 PM

CM_he3_kin_9Ligs.txt Magnifier (26.4 KB) Ivan Muzalevsky, 05/29/2020 01:49 PM

CM_he3_kin_full.txt Magnifier (68.6 KB) Ivan Muzalevsky, 05/29/2020 01:49 PM

c_he3_angles_CM.C Magnifier - script for the CM figures (262 KB) Ivan Muzalevsky, 05/29/2020 02:11 PM


#1 Updated by Ivan Muzalevsky almost 5 years ago

Laboratory system

Left figure -angle of the 3He emision with respect to the beamRed line corresponds to the 9Li g.s. selection. 

Middle figure - correlation of the 3He emision angle with the missing mass of the 9Li. The numerical expression of this black histogram is written into the he3_mm_full.txt file 
Red dots (middle figure) - corresponds to the 9Li g.s. selection. The numerical expression of this red histogram is written into the he3_mm_9Ligs.txt file

Right figure - 3He energy vs 3He emision amgle. The numerical expression of this black histogram is written into the he3_kin_full.txt file 
Red dots corresponds to the 9Li g.s. selection. The numerical expression of this red histogram is written into the he3_kin_9Ligs.txt fil


#2 Updated by Ivan Muzalevsky almost 5 years ago

#3 Updated by Ivan Muzalevsky over 4 years ago

Reaction CM system

Left figure -angle of the 3He emision in the reaction CMSRed line corresponds to the 9Li g.s. selection. 

Middle figure - correlation of the 3He emision angle in the reaction CMS with the missing mass of the 9Li. The numerical expression of this black histogram is written into the CM_he3_mm_full.txt file 
Red dots (middle figure) - corresponds to the 9Li g.s. selection. The numerical expression of this red histogram is written into the CM_he3_mm_9Ligs.txt file

Right figure - 3He energy vs 3He emision amgle in the reaction CMS. The numerical expression of this black histogram is written into the CM_he3_kin_full.txt file 
Red dots corresponds to the 9Li g.s. selection.  The numerical expression of this red histogram is written into the CM_he3_kin_9Ligs.txt


#4 Updated by Ivan Muzalevsky over 4 years ago

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