Analyzing #458
Analyzing #436: Reference reaction: Data analysis
Fixation of parameters related to experimental setup
Status: | Открыта | Start date: | 04/22/2020 | |
Priority: | Нормальный | Due date: | ||
Assignee: | Ivan Muzalevsky | % Done: | 100% | |
Category: | - | |||
Target version: | - |
Provide essential parameters related to experimental setup basing on results obtained in task 397 (and its subtasks).
The parameters should be provided in the form of the table in separate comment.
#1 Updated by Ivan Muzalevsky almost 5 years ago
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
The initial parameters:
number | parameter | value | unit |
1 | beam energy | beamDet thickness: 630 micron of Si | |
2* | thin SSD calibration parameters | pars for 2 thin detector ( from issue 284 pars for 1 3 and 4 detectors from issue 391 (SSD_20u_1_cal.txt, SSD_20u_3_cal.txt SSD_20u_4_cal.txt ) |
3 | thick SSD calibration parameters | issue 391 | |
4 | central DSD calibration parameters | issue 391 | |
5 | thin detector front dead layer | not used | mcm |
6 | thin detector rear dead layer | not used | mcm |
7 | thick SSD front dead layer | issue 391 | mcm |
8 | thin detector position | issue 293 with offset (0.5,-1.3,-3) | mm |
9 | thick detector position | issue 293 with offset (0.5,-1.3,-3) | mm |
10 | central DSD position | (0,0,323) | mm |
11 | target density (same pressure as for 7H) | 0.0020646 | |
12 | target density, low | 0.001005 | |
13** | full target thickness | 6 | mm |
14 | target mylar window thickness | 3.5 | mcm |
15 | target stainless steel window thickness | 6 | mcm |
16*** | CsI calibration parameters | not used | |
17 | map of thickness for thin SSD | issue 392 | |
18 | target selection | circle of 9 mm radius with center in ( 0.4673,0.0262) mm at the target plane |
19 | MWPC positions | MWPC1 (-0.9,-3,-815) MWPC2 (0.3,-1.55,-270) |
mm |
Summed spectrum from all 4 telescopes for thin target¶
Green lines - coincidence with 9Li
The position of the g.s. is 0.1 MeV which was estimated as a mean value of the main peak of the black histogram
Separated spectra from 4 telescopes for thick target¶
Red lines - ground state selection
Ground state positions (means of red histograms):
-0.094 MeV (360 events)
0.178 MeV (336 events)
-0.059 MeV (339 events)
0.178 MeV (362 events)
Summed spectrum from all 4 telescopes for thick target¶
Green lines - coincidence with 9Li
From the summed spectrum the g.s. position was calculated as a statistical average from 4 values:
position = (-0.094*360+0.178*336+-0.059*339+0.178*362)/1397 = 0.05MeV
#2 Updated by Ivan Muzalevsky almost 5 years ago
Without time-amplitude cuts for the central telescope¶
Summed spectrum from all 4 telescopes for thin target¶
Green lines - coincidence with 9Li and time-amp cuts for CT
Separated spectra from 4 telescopes for thick target¶
Ground state positions (means of red histograms):
-0.126 MeV (776 events)
0.151 MeV (634 events)
-0.108 MeV (712 events)
0.154 MeV (711 events)
Summed spectrum from all 4 telescopes for thick target¶
Green lines - coincidence with 9Li and time-amp cuts for CT
From the summed spectrum the g.s. position was calculated as a statistical average from 4 values:
position = (-0.126*776+0.151*634-0.108*712+0.154*711)/2833 = 0.01MeV