From 05/20/2020 to 06/18/2020
- 01:50 PM EXP1904: Reference reaction Analyzing #469: Emission angle of 3He
Reaction CM system
Left figure -angle of the 3He emision in the reaction CMS. Red line corresponds to the 9Li ...
- 02:19 PM EXP1904: Reference reaction Analyzing #469: Emission angle of 3He
Laboratory system
Left figure -angle of the 3He emision with respect to the beam. Red line corresponds to the ...
- 01:19 PM EXP1904: Reference reaction Analyzing #458: Fixation of parameters related to experimental setup
Without time-amplitude cuts for the central telescope
Summed spectrum from all 4 telescopes for thin target
- 02:41 AM EXP1904: Reference reaction Analyzing #469 (Открыта): Emission angle of 3He
Calculate an emission angle of 3He in both laboratory and the reaction center of mass systems.
Provide the followi...
- 06:26 PM EXP_10He Developing #451: Testing simulation based on 7H experiment
Возникла следующая проблема: пучок не взаимодействует с мишенью. Среди частиц в файле sim_digi.root есть только пучок...
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