From 05/31/2018 to 06/29/2018
- 12:09 PM EXP 6He-d Analyzing #206 (Открыта): Dead layer
*Obtain Si equivalent of dead layer in CsI detector
*Dead layer consists of 2mkm (check) of maylar and some, proba...
- 12:06 PM EXP 6He-d Analyzing #205 (Открыта): Energy calibration
*Obtain light output based on:
- 12:04 PM EXP 6He-d Analyzing #204 (Открыта): Obtaining correct signal
*Choose signal with highest amplitude
*Help yourself with geometry of detector
*Look at the time difference bet...
- 11:53 AM EXP 6He-d Analyzing #203 (Открыта): Crosstalk amplitude
*Crosstalk dependance on signal amplitude
*Crosstalk dependance on geometry - place of hit and particle track
- 11:50 AM EXP 6He-d Analyzing #202 (Открыта): Time signals
- 11:49 AM EXP 6He-d Analyzing #201 (Открыта): Crosstalks
Parent directory for crosstalks in CsI
- 11:46 AM EXP 6He-d Analyzing #200 (Открыта): CsI detector
The aim is to clean spectra, calibrate signals and prepare for analysis data from Left and Right CsI detectors
- 03:02 PM EXP1803 Analyzing #199: Determination of positions of silicone detectors
The orientation thin detector in the thick detector with taking into account possible errors. The center points of th...
- 02:13 AM EXP1803 Analyzing #186: Number of 3He coincidences with 3H
We worked with run14 of exposition on 6He beam saved in lmd files:
Scripts for data treatment are availab...
- 05:02 PM EXP1803 Analyzing #198 (Закрыта): Determination of thickness inhomogeneity of thin silicon detector
- 06:20 PM EXP1803 Analyzing #186: Number of 3He coincidences with 3H
Analysis of data with beryllium beam gives interesting results. Data
- 03:50 AM EXP1803 Analyzing #186: Number of 3He coincidences with 3H
We compared dE-E identification plots obtained from experimental data (run 14) with data used for calibrations giving...
- 02:13 AM EXP1803 Analyzing #183: Express analysis of experimental data
Raw data may be converted into ROOT format in following way:
Go4 library must be available. One of the well w...
- 11:02 AM EXP1803 Analyzing #195 (Закрыта): First estimate of inhomogeneity of thin Si detector
Phenomena was studied deeply in issue 198.
- 02:26 PM EXP1803 Analyzing #198: Determination of thickness inhomogeneity of thin silicon detector
the same macros was used for determination of thickness of 20um det, but this time each SQY_L strips was separated in...
- 02:11 PM EXP1803 Analyzing #198: Determination of thickness inhomogeneity of thin silicon detector
I have contacted the Micron Semiconductors. There is no input control of the thickness uniformity. They rely only upo...
- 01:58 PM EXP1803 Analyzing #198: Determination of thickness inhomogeneity of thin silicon detector
files*.lmd were p...
- 11:48 AM EXP1803 Developing #187: Калибрация 1 мм кремневого детектора
For data obtained in measurements with SQL, by irradiating it from 35 cm with 90 and 45 angle. In this measureme...
- 02:50 PM EXP1803 Developing #187: Калибрация 1 мм кремневого детектора
We should compare the count rate in peaks with what is expected. Nominal activity is 3*10^4 Bq. For a pixel size of...
- 12:08 PM EXP1803 Analyzing #198: Determination of thickness inhomogeneity of thin silicon detector
In data*.lmd ther...
- 06:20 PM EXP1803 Analyzing #199: Determination of positions of silicone detectors
The script for determine position of detectors:
- 06:00 PM EXP1803 Analyzing #199: Determination of positions of silicone detectors
The active area of thin detector is 50mm:50mm and there are 16 stripes for axis X (from left to right SQY_R[0]->SQY_...
- 12:36 PM EXP1803 Developing #184: Калибрация тонково кремневого детектора
From the data obtained in meauserements described in task 197 dead layer was calculated. calculations was made https:...
- 11:55 AM EXP1803 Analyzing #198: Determination of thickness inhomogeneity of thin silicon detector
In order to analyse the properties last strips (12-15) data from measurements, where alpha source was moved to the le...
- 01:19 PM EXP1803 Analyzing #199: Determination of positions of silicone detectors
We used data file si-1_si-20_35cm_0deg_new1_0003.lmd We took into account that center of the thick 1mm detector is ...
- 10:37 AM EXP1803 Developing #197: Measurement of thickness of thin silicon detector
Several measurements were carried out. In all of them two detectors were used. 20 mcm (discription see in file 7306 r...
- 10:19 AM EXP1803 Analyzing #199 (Открыта): Determination of positions of silicone detectors
Determine positions of silicon detectors used in post-production measurement of thin detector thickness.
We take i...
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