Analyzing #199

Developing #196: Post-production measurements

Determination of positions of silicone detectors

Added by Vratislav Chudoba almost 7 years ago. Updated almost 7 years ago.

Status:ОткрытаStart date:05/31/2018
Priority:ВысокийDue date:
Assignee:Bahytbek Mauyey% Done:


Target version:-


Determine positions of silicon detectors used in post-production measurement of thin detector thickness.

We take into account that center of the first thin detector is in point (0,0). We need to find the position of thick (1 mm) silicon detector related to the thin detector. For this task we use the data


stripe[8;15]_1mmdetector.gif (25.1 KB) Bahytbek Mauyey, 06/01/2018 12:59 PM

positionSQ20mkm_1mm.root (2.75 MB) Bahytbek Mauyey, 06/05/2018 05:50 PM

macros.h Magnifier (10.6 KB) Bahytbek Mauyey, 06/05/2018 06:20 PM

macros.C Magnifier (2.65 KB) Bahytbek Mauyey, 06/14/2018 04:03 AM

macros.h Magnifier (10.6 KB) Bahytbek Mauyey, 06/14/2018 04:03 AM

positionSQ20mkm_thick_13.06.18_.root (2.56 MB) Bahytbek Mauyey, 06/14/2018 04:03 AM

22.06.root - histogram X1mm:Y1mm 3D (16.1 KB) Bahytbek Mauyey, 06/25/2018 02:35 PM

22.06_x20_x_1.root - histogram X20mkm:X1mm 3D (16.3 KB) Bahytbek Mauyey, 06/25/2018 02:35 PM

22.06_x20_y_1_3D.root - Histogram X20mkm:Y1mm 3D (15.6 KB) Bahytbek Mauyey, 06/25/2018 02:35 PM


#1 Updated by Vratislav Chudoba almost 7 years ago

  • Tracker changed from Developing to Analyzing
  • Description updated (diff)
  • Assignee set to Bahytbek Mauyey
  • Priority changed from Низкий to Высокий

#2 Updated by Bahytbek Mauyey almost 7 years ago

We used data file  si-1_si-20_35cm_0deg_new1_0003.lmd We took into account that center of the thick  1mm detector is in point  (SQY_L[8],SQX_L[15]) .  We need to find the position of thin (1 micron) silicon detector related to the thick (1mm) detector. We determined position of the first 20-micron detector related to the second 1mm detector in this way:

 tv__tree->Draw("NeEvent.SQY_L[8]:NeEvent.SQX_L[15]","","", 737484, 0);

then we used this CUT for all stripes of thin detectors. And it matched  only this stripe:  tv__tree->Draw("NeEvent.SQY_R[7]","CUT","")

Position of the thin detector related  the thick detector for X axis is  thick(8:15) : thin(7). 


#3 Updated by Bahytbek Mauyey almost 7 years ago

The active area of thin detector  is 50mm:50mm and there are 16 stripes for axis X (from left to right SQY_R[0]->SQY_R[15]). The active area of thick detector is 58mm:58mm and there are 32 stripes for X axis (from left to right SQX_L[0]->SQX_L[31]) and 16  stripes for Y axis( from bottom to top (SQY_L[0]->SQY_L[15]).  The coordinate center point (0,0) is  thick detector's center.  

We changed the channels by mm by following way and wrote new root file with 3 branches(y_1mm - thick detector's Y axis;x_1mm- thick detector's X axis; and x_20mm -thin detector's X axis ):

if(NeEvent_SQY_L[i]>200 && NeEvent_SQY_L[i]

The root file  positionSQ20mkm_thick_13.06.18_.root  and macros.C and macros.h were attached. 


The center coordinate of thin detector for X axis was found following way:  The 15th stripe for thick detector(X axis) corresponds to 7th stripe of thin detector.

So the coordinate of 15th stripe for X axis is: 15stripe*58mm/32stripe+(58mm/32stripe)/2-29mm=-0.90625mm ( It is also the 7th stripe's coordinate of thin det. )

Here 58mm/32stripe means the length of 1 stripe.  (58mm/32stripe)/2- half width of stripe;  29mm - half lenth of thick detector. We took account that center of stripe is center each stripe. 

 The point of between 7th and 8th stripe of thin detector is center of the thin detector. So center cooridanate is 7th stripe+half width of stripe:  -090625mm+(50mm/16)/2= -0.90625mm+1.5625mm=0.65625mm 

But  the  coordinate of thin detector's center for Y axis  might find only by shadow in thick detector.  We know that the length of detector is 50mm and we can notice the greasy places in the thick detector . We only can found approximately and it equal about - 3 mm.  




#4 Updated by Bahytbek Mauyey almost 7 years ago

  • File macros.C added
  • File macros.hMagnifier added

The script for determine position of detectors: 

#5 Updated by Bahytbek Mauyey almost 7 years ago

  • File deleted (macros.C)

#7 Updated by Bahytbek Mauyey almost 7 years ago

The orientation thin detector in the thick detector with taking into account possible errors. The center points of thin detector are 1±1.375mm  for X axis and -1.8125±2.1875mm for Y axis relatively center of thick detector. The stripe widths were taken into account and equal to 58 mm / 32 = 1,8125 mm (X axis of thick detector), 58 mm / 16 = 3,625 mm((Y axis of thick detector) and 50 mm / 16 = 3,125 mm(X axis of thin detector). Also the position of 7th stripe of thin detector corresponding to 15th stripe of X axis thick detector was taken into account. We can see from picture that the maximum size that the thin detector can replace in the thick detector is 52.5625mm:54.375mm (x:y). But the real size is 50mm:50mm. So possible orientation can be determine with errors 1.375mm (for X axis )and 2.1875mm (for Y axis)

3D histogram of thick detector(X:Y:

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