A simulation, reconstruction and analysis framework that is based on the ROOT and the FairRoot systems. The user can create simulated data and/or perform analysis with the same framework. Geant3 and Geant4 transport engines are supported, however the user code that creates simulated data do not depend on a particular monte carlo engine.
Issue tracking
- Developing: 62 open / 131
- Documenting: 7 open / 9
- Analyzing: 5 open / 7
- bugs: 2 open / 9
- support: 0 open / 0
Developer: Egor Ovcharenko, Ilyas Satyshev, Ivan Muzalevsky, Mikhail Kozlov, Vitaliy Schetinin, Vratislav Chudoba
Administrator: Sergey Belogurov, Vitaliy Schetinin
Researcher: Bahytbek Mauyey, Elvira Gazeeva, Ivan Muzalevsky, Mai Anh, Sergey Belogurov, Vratislav Chudoba