Ivan Muzalevsky's activity

From 04/17/2020 to 05/16/2020


11:40 PM EXP1904: Reference reaction Analyzing #420: Effect of rime growing on target surface

FOr the data analysis the parameters from the issue 458 were used.

All statistics was separated into 3 parts, corr...

Ivan Muzalevsky
12:52 PM EXP1904: Reference reaction Analyzing #417 (Открыта): Estimation of the 10Be beam trigger scale coefficient from experimental...

Ivan Muzalevsky
12:51 PM EXP1904: Reference reaction Analyzing #413: Beam integral

The beam PID was done with cuts, provided in issue 394
The used target selection is described in issue 396

Thick ...

Ivan Muzalevsky


01:46 PM EXP1904: Reference reaction Analyzing #396: Profile of the 10Be beam

I used following coordinates of the MWPC planes, provided by S.Krupko


Ivan Muzalevsky


08:51 PM EXP1904: Reference reaction Analyzing #395: Beam energy

parameters used for the reconstruction:

ToF time constant: 68.475 ns
ToF distance: 12320 mm
thickness of th...

Ivan Muzalevsky
07:56 PM EXP1904: Reference reaction Developing #437: Missing mass of 9Li from 3He registered in coincidence with 8He

For the analysis, the parameters from the issue 458 were used.


Realization of the identification...

Ivan Muzalevsky
04:39 PM EXP1904: Reference reaction Analyzing #458: Fixation of parameters related to experimental setup

The initial parameters:


beam energy

Ivan Muzalevsky


10:33 PM EXP1904: Reference reaction Analyzing #414: Offsets of the 3He telescope

Offset of the detectors system along X axis, mm
 9Li g.s. position
1 Tel [MeV]
9Li g.s. posit...

Ivan Muzalevsky
08:38 PM EXP1904: Reference reaction Developing #416: BeamDet thickness

Vary the BeamDet thickness within a reasonable range and report the effect on position of the peak corresponding to p...

Ivan Muzalevsky
07:53 PM EXP1904: Reference reaction Analyzing #400: Z-position of the side telescopes

thin telescopes Z position, mm
 9Li g.s. position
1 Tel [MeV]
9Li g.s. position
2 Tel [Me...

Ivan Muzalevsky
06:03 PM EXP1904: Reference reaction Analyzing #397: Variation of the parameters

Summed spectrum from all 4 telescopes for thin target

Green lines - coincidence with 9Li

The position of th...

Ivan Muzalevsky

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