er  dev
Silicon Strip Detector (SSD) calibration utilities


The calibration procedure is described in proper ExpertRoot documentation section

Files in this directory demonstrate examples of work with ERCalibration functions. All the files are ready to use on host.

The folder auxiliary contains calculations of reference values including macros for dependencies fitting, comparison of ionization models. how-to


Prerequisites for using calibration utilities on HybriLIT:

Setup environment

  1. Connect to
1 ssh <username>
  1. Activate environment with ROOT version 18 or elder using module package.
1 module add FairRoot/v18.0.4
  1. Enjoy calibraions!

Hints and tricks

Merge several root files

If you need to merge several root files into single file use hadd tool provided by ROOT.

1 cd <folder_with_root_files>
2 hadd <target_name>.root <list_of_files_to_merge>

For additional information read hadd manual.

1 man hadd

Merge three *.root files into single output.root

1 hadd output.root file1.root file2.root file3.root

The <folder_with_root_files> contains files named clb_0001.root, clb_0002.root, ..., clb_0055.root. One wants to merge files with indicies from _0010 to _0029. It can be done quite elegant with regular expression:

1 hadd output.root $(find . -type f -regex "./clb_.*00[12].*")