er  dev
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CERBeamDetClass for the MC transport of the BeamDet
 CERBeamDetDigitizerClass for convertion simulation data to format like real detector data
 CERBeamDetPIDClass for particle identification
 CERBeamDetTrackFinderClass for reconsruction ion's coordinate and momentum direction on target
 CERDetectorThe base class for detector simulation in er sim
 CERDRS4SourceTask for reading raw data from binary files
 CERElasticScatteringClass for the elastic scattering simulate
 CERGadastClass for the MC transport of the Gadast
 CERGadastCsIPointThe data class for storing pieces of charged tracks in sensitive volumes in CsI crystall
 CERIonGeneratorClass for the generation ion
 CERIonMixGeneratorClass for the generation different ions during one simulation
 CERN15B11DigitizerClass for the detectors response simulate
 CERNeuRadClass for the MC transport of the NeuRad
 CERNeuRadAEventClass for processing raw data and getting amp and time properties of signal
 CERNeuRadDigitizerClass for the NeuRad digital response calculation
 CERNeuRadPointThe data class for storing pieces of charged tracks in sensitive volumes in NeuRad
 CERNeuRadRawEventClass for raw data obtained from measurements or simulations
 CERPointThe data class for storing pieces of charged tracks in sensitive volumes in NeuRad
 CERQTelescopeGeoNonUniformSingleSiClass for the non-uniform single silicon station entity
 CERRawToAnalyzeConverterTask for analyzing raw data
 CERSimtoRawTask for converting data from output digitizing files to files with structure of class RawEvent
 CERTaskBase abstract class for all tasks in er
 CERTektronixSourceTask for reading raw data from text files
 CPreprocessingClass makes preliminary handling of a raw calibration data, including:
 CTaskManagerClass unifies access to the calibration data stored on the disk