er  dev
1 namespace ERCalibrationSSD {
2 /*
3  Namespace includes code for a Silicon Strip Detector (SSD) calibration.
4  The common scheme of handling process
6  Prerequisites for program module usage:
7  * Files with calibration run data in *.root format converted by FLNR TNeEvent classes
9  Terminology.
10  Sensor - an array of a readout channel concerned with a certain ROOT-tree leaf.
12  Platforms.
13  The code was tested only in the Linux OS, but the ROOT-framework methods used work in
14  Windows also. Methods which are used but work on Linux only are:
15  * TString GetFileNameBaseFromPath (TString const &path)
16  * void IOManager::MakeDir(TString &dirname)
17  For them, path name separators should be extended to Windows ones.
19  ROOT versions - ???
20 */
22 /* @TODO
23  * Sorting stations by name for reproducible results (path names)
24  * Replace SetRunInfo class by RunInfo which will contain several sensors info with their common
25  run id.
26  * More log messages for each significant step
27 */
29 TString GetFileNameBaseFromPath(const TString& path);
36 public:
37  SensorRunInfo() = default;
38  SensorRunInfo(const TString& name, const Int_t stripAmount,
39  const Int_t binAmount, const TString& runId = "");
40  ~SensorRunInfo() = default;
51  void SetThresholdFile(const TString &path) {fThresholdFilePath = path;}
53  void SetNoiseThreshold(const Int_t noiseThreshold) {fNoiseThreshold = noiseThreshold;}
54  void SetDeadLayersPerStrip(const std::vector<Double_t> &deadLayers);
56  void ReadThresholds();
57 public:
58  TString fName; // name of a propper leaf in a tree
59  TString fThresholdFilePath;
60  TString fCalibFilePath;
61  Int_t fStripAmount = 16;
62  Int_t fBinAmount = 1024;
63  TString fRunId;
64  Int_t fNoiseThreshold = 0;
66  Bool_t fIsDeadLayerPerStripsSet = false;
67  std::vector<Double_t> fDeadLayers = std::vector<Double_t>();
68 };
70 SensorRunInfo::SensorRunInfo(const TString& name, const Int_t stripAmount,
71  const Int_t binAmount, const TString& runId = ""):
72  fName(name),
73  fStripAmount(stripAmount),
74  fBinAmount(binAmount),
75  fRunId(GetFileNameBaseFromPath(runId)) {
76 }
78 void SensorRunInfo::SetDeadLayersPerStrip(const std::vector<Double_t> &deadLayersPerStrip) {
79  if (deadLayersPerStrip.size() != this->fStripAmount) {
80  Error(
81  "SensorRunInfo::SetDeadLayersPerStrip",
82  "Dead thickness amount set by user (%ld) doesn't equal strips amount (%d)",
83  deadLayersPerStrip.size(), this->fStripAmount);
84  exit(1);
85  }
86  fIsDeadLayerPerStripsSet = true;
87  fDeadLayers = deadLayersPerStrip;
88 }
94 template<typename T>
95 Double_t CalculateAvg(T values) {
96  Double_t sum = 0.;
97  Int_t counterNotNaN = 0;
98  for (const auto& value: values) {
99  if (!std::isnan(value)) {
100  sum += value;
101  counterNotNaN++;
102  }
103  }
104  return sum / counterNotNaN;
105 }
116 void DrawSensorSpectraByStrip(TTree* tree,
117  const SensorRunInfo* sensor,
118  const std::vector<UShort_t>& thresholds) {
119  const auto canvas = new TCanvas(Form("canvas_%s", sensor->fName.Data()));
120  // prepare approximately square placing of pads on canvas
121  Int_t canvFirtsDim = std::round(std::sqrt(sensor->fStripAmount));
122  Int_t canvSecondDim = 1;
123  for (; canvSecondDim*canvFirtsDim < sensor->fStripAmount; canvSecondDim++) {}
124  canvas->Divide(canvFirtsDim, canvSecondDim);
126  for (Int_t iStrip = 0; iStrip < sensor->fStripAmount; iStrip++) {
127  const TString histParams = Form("(%d,%d,%d)", sensor->fBinAmount, 0, sensor->fBinAmount);
128  const TString histName = Form("strip_%d", iStrip);
129  const TString drawExpression = Form(
130  "%s[%d]>>%s%s", sensor->fName.Data(), iStrip, histName.Data(), histParams.Data()
131  );
132  const TString cutExpression = Form(
133  "%s[%d]>%d", sensor->fName.Data(), iStrip, thresholds[iStrip]
134  );
135  canvas->cd(iStrip + 1);
136  tree->Draw(drawExpression, cutExpression, "");
137  const auto hist = static_cast<TH1D*>(gDirectory->Get(histName));
138  hist->Write();
139  }
140  canvas->Write();
141 }
156 void DrawSensorSpectraByPixel(TTree* tree,
157  const SensorRunInfo* sensorDraw,
158  const SensorRunInfo* sensorSelect,
159  const std::vector<UShort_t>& thresholdsDraw,
160  const std::vector<UShort_t>& thresholdsSelect) {
161  // prepare approximately square placing of pads on canvas
162  Int_t canvFirtsDim = std::round(std::sqrt(sensorDraw->fStripAmount));
163  Int_t canvSecondDim = 1;
164  for (; canvSecondDim*canvFirtsDim < sensorDraw->fStripAmount; canvSecondDim++) {}
166  for (Int_t iStripDraw = 0; iStripDraw < sensorDraw->fStripAmount; iStripDraw++) {
167  const auto canvasName = Form("canvas_%s[%d]", sensorDraw->fName.Data(), iStripDraw);
168  const auto canvas = new TCanvas(canvasName);
169  canvas->Divide(canvFirtsDim, canvSecondDim);
170  for (Int_t iStripSelect = 0; iStripSelect < sensorSelect->fStripAmount; iStripSelect++) {
171  Info("DrawSensorSpectraByPixel", "Pixel %s[%d]-%s[%d] in progress",
172  sensorDraw->fName.Data(), iStripDraw,
173  sensorSelect->fName.Data(), iStripSelect);
174  const auto histParams = Form("(%d,%d,%d)",
175  sensorDraw->fBinAmount, 0, sensorDraw->fBinAmount);
176  const auto histName = Form("pixel_%s[%d]_%s[%d]", sensorDraw->fName.Data(), iStripDraw,
177  sensorSelect->fName.Data(), iStripSelect);
178  const auto drawExpression = Form("%s[%d]>>%s%s", sensorDraw->fName.Data(), iStripDraw,
179  histName, histParams);
180  const auto cutExpression = Form("%s[%d]>%d&&%s[%d]>%d",
181  sensorDraw->fName.Data(), iStripDraw,
182  thresholdsDraw[iStripDraw],
183  sensorSelect->fName.Data(), iStripSelect,
184  thresholdsSelect[iStripSelect]);
185  canvas->cd(iStripSelect + 1);
186  tree->Draw(drawExpression, cutExpression, "");
187  const auto hist = static_cast<TH1D*>(gDirectory->Get(histName));
188  hist->Write();
189  }
190  canvas->Write();
191  }
192 }
194 // External fuctions begin
201 int CheckDataMultiplicity(const std::vector<UShort_t>& data,
202  const std::vector<UShort_t>& thresholds) {
203  int multiplicity = 0;
204  for (Int_t i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) {
205  if (data[i] > thresholds[i]) {
206  multiplicity++;
207  if (multiplicity > 1) {
208  break;
209  }
210  }
211  }
212  return multiplicity;
213 }
220 Bool_t CheckIfSingleMultiplicity(const std::vector<SensorRunInfo*>* sensors,
221  const std::vector<std::vector<UShort_t>>* data,
222  const std::vector<std::vector<UShort_t>>* thresholds) {
223  Bool_t ifSingleMult = true;
224  for (Int_t i = 0; i < sensors->size(); i++) {
225  const int multiplicity = CheckDataMultiplicity(data->at(i), thresholds->at(i));
226  if (multiplicity != 1) {
227  ifSingleMult = false;
228  break;
229  }
230  }
231  return ifSingleMult;
232 }
241 TObject* GetObjectFromRootFile(const TString& filePath, const TString& objName = "") {
242  auto file = TFile::Open(filePath.Data()); // ATTENTION! file is not closed
243  auto obj = (objName.Length())
244  ? file->Get(objName)
245  : file->Get(file->GetListOfKeys()->At(0)->GetName());
246  return obj;
247 }
255 TObject* GetObjectFromRootFile(TFile* file, const unsigned object_ind) {
256  auto obj = file->Get(file->GetListOfKeys()->At(object_ind)->GetName());
257  Info("Info", "%s", obj->GetName());
258  return obj;
259 }
268 TObject* GetObjectFromRootFile(TFile* file, const TString& objName = "") {
269  // save current directory
270  auto obj = (objName.Length())
271  ? file->Get(objName)
272  : file->Get(file->GetListOfKeys()->At(0)->GetName());
273  return obj;
274 }
281 TString GetFileNameBaseFromPath(const TString& path) {
282  TString fileName = gSystem->BaseName(path);
283  // remove file extension. Extension is considered as part of the name after last "." symbol
284  Int_t lastDotPos = fileName.Last('.');
285  if (lastDotPos > 0) {
286  fileName.Remove(lastDotPos, fileName.Length());
287  }
288  return fileName;
289 }
298 template<typename T>
299 void DumpVector(const std::vector<T>& vec, ofstream& file, const TString& delimiter = "\n") {
300  for (const auto &itVec : vec) {
301  file << itVec << delimiter;
302  }
303 }
311 template<typename T>
312 void Dump2DVector(const T& vec2d, ofstream& file,
313  const TString& delimiter = " ") {
314  for (const auto &vec: vec2d) {
315  for (const auto &elem: vec) {
316  file << elem << delimiter;
317  }
318  file << endl;
319  }
320 }
327 template<typename T>
328 void Dump2DVector(const T& vec2d, const TString& delimiter = " ") {
329  for (const auto &vec: vec2d) {
330  for (const auto &elem: vec) {
331  std::cout << elem << delimiter;
332  }
333  std::cout << std::endl;
334  }
335 }
342 template<typename T>
343 std::vector<T> ReadVectorFromFile(const TString& filePath) {
344  std::ifstream file(filePath);
345  if (!file.is_open()) {
346  Error("ReadVectorFromFile", "Failed to open file: %s", filePath.Data());
347  }
348  std::vector<T> vec;
349  T value;
350  while (file >> value) {
351  vec.push_back(value);
352  }
353  return vec;
354 }
360 template<typename T>
361 std::vector<std::vector<T>> Read2DVectorFromFile(const TString& filePath) {
362  std::ifstream file(filePath);
363  if (!file.is_open()) {
364  Error("Read2DVectorFromFile", "Failed to open file: %s", filePath.Data());
365  }
366  std::vector<std::vector<T>> vec2d;
367  T value;
368  std::string line;
369  while (std::getline(file, line)) {
370  std::vector<T> vec;
371  std::istringstream iss(line);
372  T value;
373  while (iss >> value) {
374  vec.push_back(value);
375  }
376  vec2d.push_back(vec);
377  }
378  file.close();
379  return vec2d;
380 }
386 std::vector<Double_t> ReadDoubleVectorFromFile(const TString& filePath) {
387  std::ifstream file(filePath);
388  if (!file.is_open()) {
389  Error("ReadDoubleVectorFromFile", "Failed to open file: %s", filePath.Data());
390  }
391  std::vector<Double_t> vec;
392  std::string str_val;
393  while (file >> str_val) {
394  vec.push_back(std::stod(str_val));
395  }
396  file.close();
398  return vec;
399 }
406 std::vector<std::vector<Double_t>> Read2DDoubleVectorFromFile(const TString& filePath) {
407  std::ifstream file(filePath);
408  if (!file.is_open()) {
409  Error("Read2DDoubleVectorFromFile", "Failed to open file: %s", filePath.Data());
410  }
411  std::vector<std::vector<Double_t>> vec2d;
412  std::string line;
413  while (std::getline(file, line)) {
414  std::vector<Double_t> vec;
415  std::istringstream iss(line);
416  std::string str_val;
417  while (iss >> str_val) {
418  vec.push_back(std::stod(str_val));
419  }
420  vec2d.push_back(vec);
421  }
422  file.close();
424  return vec2d;
425 }
428 // External functions end
430 enum ApproxOrder {
431  LINEAR,
432  QUAD,
433  TRI
434 };
436 class IOManager {
437 public:
438  IOManager() = default;
439  IOManager(const TString& workdir) = delete;
440  ~IOManager() = default; // ought to be virtual
448  TFile* CreateRootFile(const TString& filePath);
454  TFile* OpenRootFile(const TString& filePath);
461  std::ofstream CreateTextFile(const TString& filePath);
467  std::ifstream OpenTextFile(const TString& filePath);
474  void Write(const TObjArray* arr);
480  void Write(TObject* obj);
486  void MakeDir(const TString& dirname);
492  void ChangeDir(const TString& dirname);
493 protected:
494  TString fWorkDir = ".";
495  Bool_t fRecreate = true; // 'true' if all the produced files are recreated, 'false' to use existing ones
496 };
498 TFile* IOManager::CreateRootFile(const TString& filePath) {
499  const TString dirPath = gSystem->DirName(filePath);
500  this->MakeDir(dirPath);
501  auto file = TFile::Open(filePath, "RECREATE");
502  if (file) {
503  Info("IOManager::CreateRootFile", "Created ROOT file: %s", filePath.Data());
504  } else {
505  Error("IOManager::CreateRootFile", "Failed to create ROOT file: %s", filePath.Data());
506  }
507  return file;
508 }
510 TFile* IOManager::OpenRootFile(const TString& filePath) {
511  auto file = TFile::Open(filePath);
512  if (!file->IsOpen()) {
513  Error("IOManager::OpenRootFile", "Failed open ROOT file: %s", filePath.Data());
514  }
515  return file;
516 }
518 std::ofstream IOManager::CreateTextFile(const TString& filePath) {
519  const TString dirPath = gSystem->DirName(filePath);
520  this->MakeDir(dirPath);
521  std::ofstream file(filePath, ios::trunc);
522  if (file.is_open()) {
523  Info("IOManager::CreateTextFile", "Created ASCII file: %s", filePath.Data());
524  } else {
525  Error("IOManager::CreateTextFile", "Failed to create ASCII file: %s", filePath.Data());
526  }
527  return file;
528 }
530 std::ifstream IOManager::OpenTextFile(const TString& filePath) {
531  std::ifstream file(filePath);
532  if (!file.is_open()) {
533  Error("IOManager::OpenTextFile", "Failed open ASCII file: %s", filePath.Data());
534  }
535  return file;
536 }
539 void IOManager::Write(const TObjArray* arr) {
540  Info(
541  "IOManager::Write", "save to a directory %s the following objects:",
542  gDirectory->GetPath()
543  );
544  for (const auto *obj: *arr) {
545  Info("", "%s", obj->GetName());
546  obj->Write();
547  }
548 }
550 void IOManager::Write(TObject* obj) {
551  auto arr = new TObjArray();
552  arr->Add(obj);
553  Write(arr);
554 }
557 void IOManager::MakeDir(const TString& dirname) {
558  std::vector<TString> endSym= {".", "/", "~"}; // unix only
559  TString dirPath = dirname;
560  std::vector<TString> subdirs;
561  // find all subdirs
562  do {
563  subdirs.push_back(gSystem->BaseName(dirPath));
564  dirPath = gSystem->DirName(dirPath);
565  } while (dirPath != "." && dirPath != "/" && dirPath != "~"); // only unix now
567  // create sequently all the subdirs
568  for (auto subdirIter = subdirs.rbegin(); subdirIter != subdirs.rend(); subdirIter++) {
569  TString subdirName = *subdirIter;
570  dirPath = gSystem->PrependPathName(dirPath, subdirName);
571  gSystem->MakeDirectory(dirPath);
572  }
573 }
575 void IOManager::ChangeDir(const TString& dirname) {
576  TString dirPath = dirname;
577  fWorkDir = gSystem->PrependPathName(fWorkDir, dirPath);
578 }
580 enum FileType {
581  ROOT_INPUT_REDUCED_TREE_PATH, // *.root file with only tree leaves treated in analysis
582  ROOT_MULT_SELECTED_PATH, // *.root ROOT_INPUT_REDUCED_TREE_PATH after excluding non-single multiplycity stations
583  ROOT_HIST_SPECTRA_PATH, // *.root strip histograms after multiplycity selection and cut on thresholds
584  ROOT_HIST_PEAKS_PATH, // *.root strip histograms with marked peaks found by TSpectrum and chosen algorithm
585  ROOT_HIST_PIXEL_PATH, // *.root pixel spectra histograms
586  ROOT_HIST_NON_UNIFORM_MAP_PATH, // *.root pixel effective thickness map
587  TXT_PEAK_DATA_PATH, // *.root contains three 1D histograms for low middle and high energy peaks
588  TXT_THRESHOLD_PATH, // *.txt noise thresholds for sensor
589  TXT_DEAD_LAYER_PATH, // *.txt noise thresholds for sensor
590  TXT_CALIB_COEFF_PATH, // calibration coefficients
591  TXT_REPORT_PATH, // calibration results report
592  TXT_HIGH_E_PEAK_PATH, // *.root table of high energy peak values in thick sensor
593  TXT_HIST_NON_UNIFORM_MAP_PATH // *.txt pixel effective thickness map
594 };
596 class CalibIOManager: public IOManager {
597 public:
599  CalibIOManager() = default;
600  CalibIOManager(const TString &workdir) = delete;
601  ~CalibIOManager() = default; // ought to be virtual
606  TString ConstructSensorFilePath(const std::set<TString>& subdirs,
607  const TString& prefix,
608  const TString& nameRoot,
609  const std::vector<SensorRunInfo*>* sensors,
610  const TString& extension = "root");
616  TString ConstructFilePath(const std::set<TString>& subdirs,
617  const TString& prefix,
618  const TString& nameRoot,
619  const std::vector<SensorRunInfo*>* sensors,
620  const TString& extension = "root");
628  TString GetPath(const Int_t fileType, const TString& nameRoot,
629  const std::vector<SensorRunInfo*>* sensors = nullptr);
636  TString GetPath(const Int_t fileType, const TString& nameRoot,
637  const SensorRunInfo* sensor = nullptr);
645  template<typename T>
646  std::vector<T> GetSensorThresholds(const SensorRunInfo* sensor,
647  const TString& runId);
649  template<typename T>
650  std::vector<std::vector<T>> GetCalibCoefficients(const SensorRunInfo* sensor,
651  const TString& runId);
652 };
654 // CalibIOManager::CalibIOManager(const TString &workdir)
655 // : IOManager(workdir) {
656 // }
659 TString CalibIOManager::ConstructFilePath(const std::set<TString>& subdirs,
660  const TString& prefix,
661  const TString& nameRoot,
662  const std::vector<SensorRunInfo*>* sensors,
663  const TString& extension = "root") {
664  TString fileName = prefix + "_" + nameRoot;
665  for (const auto *sensor: *sensors) {
666  fileName += Form("_%s", sensor->fName.Data());
667  }
668  fileName += Form(".%s", extension.Data());
669  TString dirPath = fWorkDir;
670  TString runId = nameRoot;
671  dirPath = gSystem->PrependPathName(dirPath, runId);
672  for (auto subdir: subdirs) {
673  dirPath = gSystem->PrependPathName(dirPath, subdir);
674  }
675  const TString filePath = gSystem->PrependPathName(dirPath, fileName);
676  return filePath;
677 }
679 TString CalibIOManager::ConstructSensorFilePath(const std::set<TString>& subdirs,
680  const TString& prefix,
681  const TString& nameRoot,
682  const std::vector<SensorRunInfo*>* sensors,
683  const TString& extension = "root") {
684  TString fileName = prefix + "_" + nameRoot;
685  TString sensorNames = "";
686  for (const auto *sensor: *sensors) {
687  sensorNames += Form("_%s", sensor->fName.Data());
688  }
689  TString sensorSubdir = sensorNames(1, sensorNames.Length());
690  fileName += Form("%s.%s", sensorNames.Data(), extension.Data());
691  TString dirPath = fWorkDir;
692  TString runId = nameRoot;
693  dirPath = gSystem->PrependPathName(dirPath, runId);
694  dirPath = gSystem->PrependPathName(dirPath, sensorSubdir);
695  for (auto subdir: subdirs) {
696  dirPath = gSystem->PrependPathName(dirPath, subdir);
697  }
698  const TString filePath = gSystem->PrependPathName(dirPath, fileName);
699  return filePath;
700 }
702 TString CalibIOManager::GetPath(const Int_t fileType,
703  const TString& nameRoot,
704  const std::vector<SensorRunInfo*>* sensors = nullptr) {
705  TString path;
706  switch (fileType) {
708  path = this->ConstructFilePath({"input"}, "input", nameRoot, sensors);
709  break;
711  path = this->ConstructFilePath({"input"}, "mult_one", nameRoot, sensors);
712  break;
714  path = this->ConstructSensorFilePath(
715  {"draw"}, "spectra", nameRoot, sensors, "root"
716  );
717  break;
719  path = this->ConstructSensorFilePath(
720  {"draw"}, "peaks", nameRoot, sensors, "root"
721  );
722  break;
724  path = this->ConstructSensorFilePath(
725  {"draw"}, "pixels", nameRoot, sensors, "root"
726  );
727  break;
729  path = this->ConstructSensorFilePath(
730  {"draw"}, "map", nameRoot, sensors, "root"
731  );
732  break;
734  path = this->ConstructSensorFilePath(
735  {"txt"}, "peakpos", nameRoot, sensors, "txt"
736  );
737  break;
739  path = this->ConstructSensorFilePath(
740  {"txt"}, "threshold", nameRoot, sensors, "txt"
741  );
742  break;
744  path = this->ConstructSensorFilePath(
745  {"txt"}, "dead", nameRoot, sensors, "txt"
746  );
747  break;
749  path = this->ConstructSensorFilePath(
750  {"txt"}, "coeff", nameRoot, sensors, "txt"
751  );
752  break;
753  case TXT_REPORT_PATH:
754  path = this->ConstructSensorFilePath(
755  {""}, "report", nameRoot, sensors, "txt"
756  );
757  break;
759  path = this->ConstructSensorFilePath(
760  {"txt"}, "high_map", nameRoot, sensors, "txt"
761  );
762  break;
764  path = this->ConstructSensorFilePath(
765  {"txt"}, "map", nameRoot, sensors, "txt"
766  );
767  break;
768  }
769  return path;
770 }
772 TString CalibIOManager::GetPath(const Int_t fileType,
773  const TString& nameRoot,
774  const SensorRunInfo* sensor = nullptr) {
775  std::vector<SensorRunInfo*>* sensors;
776  if (sensor == nullptr) {
777  sensors = nullptr; // new std::vector<SensorRunInfo*>;
778  } else {
779  sensors = new std::vector<SensorRunInfo*>(1, const_cast<SensorRunInfo*>(sensor));
780  }
781  TString path = GetPath(fileType, nameRoot, sensors);
782  delete sensors;
783  return path;
784 }
786 template<typename T>
788  const TString& runId) {
789  const TString filePath = (sensor->fThresholdFilePath == "")
790  ? this->GetPath(TXT_THRESHOLD_PATH, runId, sensor)
791  : sensor->fThresholdFilePath;
792  auto thresholds = ReadVectorFromFile<T>(filePath);
793  return thresholds;
794 }
796 template<typename T>
797 std::vector<std::vector<T>>
798 CalibIOManager::GetCalibCoefficients(const SensorRunInfo* sensor,
799  const TString& runId)
800 {
801  const TString filePath = (sensor->fCalibFilePath == "")
802  ? this->GetPath(TXT_CALIB_COEFF_PATH, runId, sensor)
803  : sensor->fCalibFilePath;
804  auto coeffs = Read2DVectorFromFile<T>(filePath);
805  return coeffs;
806 }
808 class TaskManager {
816 public:
817  TaskManager() = default;
818  TaskManager(const TString& rawDataPath);
819  ~TaskManager() = default;
822 protected:
823  CalibIOManager *fIOManager = nullptr;
824  TString fWorkDir = "result";
825  TString fRunId = "";
826  TString fRawDataPath = "";
827 };
829 TaskManager::TaskManager(const TString& rawDataPath)
830  : fIOManager(new CalibIOManager()), fRawDataPath(rawDataPath) {
831  TString rawFileNameBase = GetFileNameBaseFromPath(fRawDataPath);
832  fRunId = GetFileNameBaseFromPath(fRawDataPath);
833  fIOManager->ChangeDir(fWorkDir);
834 }
836 class Preprocessing: public TaskManager {
847 public:
848  Preprocessing() = default;
849  Preprocessing(const TString& rawDataPath);
850  ~Preprocessing() = default;
856  void AddSensor(SensorRunInfo* sensor) {fSensors->push_back(sensor);}
868  void ConvertTree(const TString& option = "neevent");
880  void FindThresholds(const TString& opt = "draw_off");
889  void MultiplicitySelection(const SensorRunInfo* sensor, std::vector<SensorRunInfo*> sensorsZeroSignal = std::vector<SensorRunInfo*>());
897  void MultiplicitySelection(std::vector<SensorRunInfo*> sensors, std::vector<SensorRunInfo*> sensorsZeroSignal = std::vector<SensorRunInfo*>());
903  void CreateSpectraHists(const SensorRunInfo* sensor);
905  void Exec();
907 private:
908  std::vector<SensorRunInfo*> *fSensors = nullptr; // all the sensors are from one data file
909 };
911 Preprocessing::Preprocessing(const TString& rawDataPath) : TaskManager(rawDataPath) {
912  fSensors = new std::vector<SensorRunInfo*>();
913 }
915 void Preprocessing::ConvertTree(const TString& option = "neevent") {
916  if (option == "neevent") {
917  auto inFile = fIOManager->OpenRootFile(fRawDataPath);
918  const auto tree = static_cast<TTree*>(GetObjectFromRootFile(inFile));
919  Info(
920  "Preprocessing::ConvertTree", "Converting a tree '%s' from the file '%s'",
921  tree->GetName(), fRawDataPath.Data()
922  );
923  // leave in a tree sensors for analysis
924  tree->SetBranchStatus("*", 0);
925  for (const auto *sensor: *fSensors) {
926  const TString brName = Form("NeEvent.%s[%d]", sensor->fName.Data(), sensor->fStripAmount);
927  tree->SetBranchStatus(brName, 1);
928  tree->SetAlias(sensor->fName, brName);
929  }
930  const TString outFilePath = fIOManager->GetPath(ROOT_INPUT_REDUCED_TREE_PATH, fRunId, fSensors);
931  const auto outFile = fIOManager->CreateRootFile(outFilePath);
932  const auto *newtree = tree->CloneTree();
933  tree->Write();
934  outFile->Write();
935  outFile->Close();
936  inFile->Close();
937  }
938  if (option == "aqqdaq") {
939  /*aqqdaq convertion code will be here*/
940  }
941 }
943 void Preprocessing::FindThresholds(const TString& opt = "draw_off") {
944  for (const auto *sensor: *fSensors) {
945  std::vector<Double_t> thersholdArray;
946  if (sensor->fNoiseThreshold > 0) {
947  thersholdArray = std::vector<Double_t>(sensor->fStripAmount, sensor->fNoiseThreshold);
948  } else { // automatic threshold search
949  thersholdArray.resize(sensor->fStripAmount);
950  // read tree from a generated input file name
951  const TString filePath = fIOManager->GetPath(ROOT_INPUT_REDUCED_TREE_PATH, fRunId, fSensors);
952  auto inFile = fIOManager->OpenRootFile(filePath);
953  const auto tree = static_cast<TTree*>(GetObjectFromRootFile(inFile));
954  Info("Preprocessing::FindThresholds", "Tree entries: %lld", tree->GetEntries());
955  // parameters exclude zero bin from a histograms because in the zero bin
956  // a high amplitude value is occured sometimes
957  const Int_t excludeBins = 1;
958  const TString histParams = Form(
959  "(%d,%d,%d)", sensor->fBinAmount - excludeBins, excludeBins, sensor->fBinAmount
960  );
961  for (Int_t iStrip = 0; iStrip < sensor->fStripAmount; iStrip++) {
962  const TString histName = Form("threshold_strip_%d", iStrip);
963  const TString drawExpression = Form(
964  "%s[%d]>>%s%s", sensor->fName.Data(), iStrip, histName.Data(), histParams.Data()
965  );
966  tree->Draw(drawExpression,"","");
967  const TH1F *histThreshold = static_cast<TH1F*>(gDirectory->Get(histName));
968  const Int_t binsAmount = histThreshold->GetXaxis()->GetNbins();
969  // Get a number of a bin with the maximal amplitude
970  const Int_t maxBinNb = histThreshold->GetMaximumBin();
971  Bool_t minBinObtained = false;
972  Int_t thresholdBinNb = 0;
973  Int_t prevBinContent = histThreshold->GetBinContent(maxBinNb);
974  // Starting from the maximum value bin, find the first bin with not decreasing value
975  for (Int_t binNb = maxBinNb + 1; binNb < binsAmount && !minBinObtained; binNb++) {
976  const Int_t binContent = histThreshold->GetBinContent(binNb);
977  if (prevBinContent <= binContent) {
978  minBinObtained = true;
979  thresholdBinNb = binNb;
980  }
981  prevBinContent = binContent;
982  }
983  thersholdArray[iStrip] = --thresholdBinNb;
984  }
985  inFile->Close();
986  }
987  const TString thresholdsPath = fIOManager->GetPath(TXT_THRESHOLD_PATH, fRunId, sensor);
988  auto file = fIOManager->CreateTextFile(thresholdsPath);
989  DumpVector(thersholdArray, file);
990  file.close();
991  }
992 }
995  const SensorRunInfo* sensor, std::vector<SensorRunInfo*> sensorsZeroSignal = std::vector<SensorRunInfo*>()) {
996  // Read input file
997  const TString inFilePath = fIOManager->GetPath(ROOT_INPUT_REDUCED_TREE_PATH, fRunId, fSensors);
998  auto inFile = fIOManager->OpenRootFile(inFilePath);
999  const auto inTree = static_cast<TTree*>(GetObjectFromRootFile(inFile));
1000  // Create output file and tree
1001  const TString outFilePath = fIOManager->GetPath(ROOT_MULT_SELECTED_PATH, fRunId, fSensors);
1002  auto outFile = fIOManager->CreateRootFile(outFilePath);
1003  TTree *outTree = new TTree(inTree->GetName(), "Tree with a single multiplicity");
1004  // Create internal tree objects structure
1005  inTree->SetMakeClass(1);
1006  std::vector<UShort_t> sensorData = std::vector<UShort_t>(sensor->fStripAmount);
1007  std::vector<UShort_t> sensorThresholds = fIOManager->GetSensorThresholds<UShort_t>(sensor, fRunId);
1008  TString brName = inTree->GetAlias(sensor->fName);
1009  inTree->SetBranchAddress(brName, &(sensorData[0]));
1010  outTree->Branch(sensor->fName, &(sensorData[0]), brName + "/s");
1012  auto *zeroSignalSensorData = new std::vector<std::vector<UShort_t>>();
1013  auto *zeroSignalSensorThresholds = new std::vector<std::vector<UShort_t>>();
1014  for (const auto *zeroSignalSensor: sensorsZeroSignal) {
1015  zeroSignalSensorData->push_back(std::vector<UShort_t>(zeroSignalSensor->fStripAmount));
1016  TString branchName = inTree->GetAlias(zeroSignalSensor->fName);
1017  inTree->SetBranchAddress(branchName, &(zeroSignalSensorData->back()[0]));
1018  // Connect data variables with tree branches
1019  outTree->Branch(zeroSignalSensor->fName, &(zeroSignalSensorData->back()[0]), branchName + "/s");
1020  // Read sensor's thresholds
1021  auto sensorThresholds = fIOManager->GetSensorThresholds<UShort_t>(zeroSignalSensor, fRunId);
1022  zeroSignalSensorThresholds->push_back(sensorThresholds);
1023  }
1024  Info("Preprocessing::MultiplicitySelection", "Begin multiplicity selection");
1025  Info("Preprocessing::MultiplicitySelection", "Input tree entries: %lld", inTree->GetEntries());
1026  for (Long64_t eventNb = 0; eventNb < inTree->GetEntries(); eventNb++) {
1027  inTree->GetEntry(eventNb);
1028  bool saveEvent = true;
1029  const int sensorMult = CheckDataMultiplicity(sensorData, sensorThresholds);
1030  if (sensorMult != 1) {
1031  saveEvent = false;
1032  continue;
1033  }
1034  for (int j = 0; j < sensorsZeroSignal.size(); j++) {
1035  int multiplicityNoSignalSensor = CheckDataMultiplicity(zeroSignalSensorData->at(j), zeroSignalSensorThresholds->at(j));
1036  if (multiplicityNoSignalSensor != 0) {
1037  saveEvent = false;
1038  }
1039  }
1040  if (saveEvent) {
1041  outTree->Fill();
1042  } else {
1043  continue;
1044  }
1045  }
1046  Info("Preprocessing::MultiplicitySelection", "Output tree entries: %lld", outTree->GetEntries());
1047  outTree->Write();
1048  outFile->Write();
1049  outFile->Close();
1050  inFile->Close();
1051  CreateSpectraHists(sensor);
1052 }
1054 void Preprocessing::MultiplicitySelection(std::vector<SensorRunInfo*> sensors,
1055  std::vector<SensorRunInfo*> sensorsZeroSignal = std::vector<SensorRunInfo*>()) {
1056  // Read input file
1057  const TString inFilePath = fIOManager->GetPath(ROOT_INPUT_REDUCED_TREE_PATH, fRunId, fSensors);
1058  auto inFile = fIOManager->OpenRootFile(inFilePath);
1059  const auto inTree = static_cast<TTree*>(GetObjectFromRootFile(inFile));
1060  // Create output file and tree
1061  const TString outFilePath = fIOManager->GetPath(ROOT_MULT_SELECTED_PATH, fRunId, fSensors);
1062  auto outFile = fIOManager->CreateRootFile(outFilePath);
1063  TTree *outTree = new TTree(inTree->GetName(), "Tree with a single multiplicity");
1064  // Create internal tree objects structure
1065  inTree->SetMakeClass(1);
1067  std::vector<std::vector<UShort_t>> sensorsData;
1068  std::vector<std::vector<UShort_t>> sensorsThresholds;
1070  for (const auto &sensor: sensors) {
1071  sensorsData.push_back(std::vector<UShort_t>(sensor->fStripAmount));
1072  sensorsThresholds.push_back(fIOManager->GetSensorThresholds<UShort_t>(sensor, fRunId));
1073  TString brName = inTree->GetAlias(sensor->fName);
1074  inTree->SetBranchAddress(brName, &(sensorsData.back()[0]));
1075  outTree->Branch(sensor->fName, &(sensorsData.back()[0]), brName + "/s");
1076  }
1079  auto *zeroSignalSensorData = new std::vector<std::vector<UShort_t>>();
1080  auto *zeroSignalSensorThresholds = new std::vector<std::vector<UShort_t>>();
1081  for (const auto *zeroSignalSensor: sensorsZeroSignal) {
1082  zeroSignalSensorData->push_back(std::vector<UShort_t>(zeroSignalSensor->fStripAmount));
1083  TString branchName = inTree->GetAlias(zeroSignalSensor->fName);
1084  inTree->SetBranchAddress(branchName, &(zeroSignalSensorData->back()[0]));
1085  // Connect data variables with tree branches
1086  outTree->Branch(zeroSignalSensor->fName, &(zeroSignalSensorData->back()[0]), branchName + "/s");
1087  // Read sensor's thresholds
1088  auto sensorThresholds = fIOManager->GetSensorThresholds<UShort_t>(zeroSignalSensor, fRunId);
1089  zeroSignalSensorThresholds->push_back(sensorThresholds);
1090  }
1091  Info("Preprocessing::MultiplicitySelection", "Begin multiplicity selection");
1092  Info("Preprocessing::MultiplicitySelection", "Input tree entries: %lld", inTree->GetEntries());
1093  for (Long64_t eventNb = 0; eventNb < inTree->GetEntries(); eventNb++) {
1094  inTree->GetEntry(eventNb);
1095  bool saveEvent = true;
1096  if (!(eventNb % 100000)) {
1097  std::cout << "Event number " << eventNb << std::endl;
1098  }
1099  for (int sensorNb = 0; sensorNb < sensors.size(); sensorNb++) {
1100  const int sensorMult = CheckDataMultiplicity(sensorsData[sensorNb], sensorsThresholds[sensorNb]);
1101  if (sensorMult != 1) {
1102  saveEvent = false;
1103  break;
1104  }
1105  for (int j = 0; j < sensorsZeroSignal.size(); j++) {
1106  int multiplicityNoSignalSensor = CheckDataMultiplicity(zeroSignalSensorData->at(j), zeroSignalSensorThresholds->at(j));
1107  if (multiplicityNoSignalSensor != 0) {
1108  saveEvent = false;
1109  break;
1110  }
1111  }
1112  }
1113  if (saveEvent) {
1114  outTree->Fill();
1115  } else {
1116  continue;
1117  }
1118  }
1119  Info("Preprocessing::MultiplicitySelection", "Output tree entries: %lld", outTree->GetEntries());
1120  outTree->Write();
1121  outFile->Write();
1122  outFile->Close();
1123  inFile->Close();
1124  for (int sensorNb = 0; sensorNb < sensors.size(); sensorNb++) {
1125  CreateSpectraHists(sensors[sensorNb]);
1126  }
1127 }
1131  const TString multSelectPath = fIOManager->GetPath(ROOT_MULT_SELECTED_PATH, fRunId, fSensors);
1132  auto inFile = fIOManager->OpenRootFile(multSelectPath);
1133  const auto tree = static_cast<TTree*>(GetObjectFromRootFile(inFile));
1134  auto thresholds = fIOManager->GetSensorThresholds<UShort_t>(sensor, fRunId);
1135  const TString histSpectraPath = fIOManager->GetPath(ROOT_HIST_SPECTRA_PATH, fRunId, sensor);
1136  auto histSpectraFile = fIOManager->CreateRootFile(histSpectraPath);
1137  DrawSensorSpectraByStrip(tree, sensor, thresholds);
1138  histSpectraFile->Close();
1139  inFile->Close();
1140 }
1142 void Preprocessing::Exec() {
1143  // ConvertTree();
1144  Error("Preprocessing::Exec", "Method is obsolete, please use the sequence:");
1145  Error("Preprocessing::Exec", " ConvertTree() -> FindThresholds() -> MultiplicitySelection()");
1146  // FindThresholds();
1147  // MultiplicitySelection();
1148 }
1150 class PeakSearch {
1151 public:
1152  enum PeakSearchAlgorithm {
1154  GAUSS
1155  };
1157  PeakSearch() = default;
1158  ~PeakSearch() = default;
1160  void SetPeakSearchMethod(const TString& peakSearchAlgorithm);
1161  void SetFitMinSigma(const Double_t value) {fFitMinSigma = value;}
1162  void SetFitPeakThreshold(const Double_t value) {fFitPeakThreshold = value;}
1163  void SetSearchRadius(const Int_t value) {fSearchRadius = value;}
1164  void SetSlideWindowWidth(const Int_t value) {fSlideWindowWidth = value;}
1169  std::list<Double_t> GetPeaksTSpectrum(TH1* hist,
1170  const Double_t fitMinSigma,
1171  const Double_t fitPeakThreshold);
1194  std::list<Double_t> SlidingWindowPeakSearch(TH1* hist, const std::list<Double_t>& initGuess,
1195  const Int_t windowWidth,
1196  const Int_t searchRadius);
1213  std::list<Double_t> GaussPeakSearch(TH1* hist, const std::list<Double_t>& initGuess,
1214  const Int_t searchRadius);
1222  std::list<Double_t> GetPeaks(TH1* hist, const std::list<Double_t>& initGuess);
1224 protected:
1225  Int_t fPeakSearchMethod = SLIDING_WINDOW;
1226  // Peak search algoritm common parameters
1227  Double_t fFitMinSigma = 6.;
1228  Double_t fFitPeakThreshold = 0.7;
1230  Int_t fSearchRadius = 10; // radius of algorithm search aroun initial guess points (applicable for Sliding window (SW) and Gauss)
1231  Int_t fSlideWindowWidth = 10; // sliding window width (applicable for SW)
1233  std::vector<std::vector<float>> fIntegralInWindow; // stores events integral for peaks found by SLIDINIG_WINDOW algorithm
1234 };
1236 void PeakSearch::SetPeakSearchMethod(const TString& peakSearchAlgorithm) {
1237  if (peakSearchAlgorithm == "sliding_window") {
1238  fPeakSearchMethod = SLIDING_WINDOW;
1239  }
1240  if (peakSearchAlgorithm == "gauss") {
1241  fPeakSearchMethod = GAUSS;
1242  }
1243 }
1246 std::list<Double_t> PeakSearch::GetPeaksTSpectrum(TH1* hist,
1247  const Double_t fitMinSigma,
1248  const Double_t fitPeakThreshold)
1249 {
1250  TSpectrum sc;
1251  sc.Search(hist, fitMinSigma, "", fitPeakThreshold);
1252  const Int_t peaksAmount = sc.GetNPeaks();
1253  Info("PeakSearch::GetPeaksTSpectrum", "Occured peaks amount is %d", peaksAmount);
1254  Double_t* peaksPos = sc.GetPositionX();
1255  std::list<Double_t> peaks(peaksPos, peaksPos + peaksAmount);
1256  peaks.sort();
1257  // remove markers from the histogram
1258  // auto functions = hist->GetListOfFunctions();
1259  // auto pm = static_cast<TPolyMarker*>(functions->FindObject("TPolyMarker"));
1260  // functions->Remove(pm);
1261  return peaks;
1262 }
1265 std::list<Double_t>
1266 PeakSearch::SlidingWindowPeakSearch(TH1* hist, const std::list<Double_t>& initGuess,
1267  const Int_t windowWidth,
1268  const Int_t searchRadius)
1269 {
1270  std::list<Double_t> peaks;
1271  std::vector<float> peaksIntegral;
1272  for (const auto& guessPos: initGuess) {
1273  // gStyle->SetStatFormat("6.8g");
1274  const Int_t peakBinNb = hist->GetXaxis()->FindBin(guessPos);
1275  Int_t maxIntegral = numeric_limits<Int_t>::min();
1276  Double_t peakMean;
1277  // Double_t peakRMS;
1278  for (Int_t i = peakBinNb - searchRadius; i < peakBinNb + searchRadius - windowWidth; i++) {
1279  hist->GetXaxis()->SetRange(i, i + windowWidth - 1 /*to not include the last bin*/);
1280  const Int_t integral = hist->Integral();
1281  if (maxIntegral < integral) {
1282  maxIntegral = integral;
1283  peakMean = hist->GetMean();
1284  // peakRMS = hist->GetStdDev();
1285  }
1286  }
1287  peaksIntegral.push_back(maxIntegral);
1288  peaks.push_back(peakMean);
1289  }
1290  fIntegralInWindow.push_back(peaksIntegral);
1291  return peaks;
1292 }
1294 std::list<Double_t>
1295 PeakSearch::GaussPeakSearch(TH1* hist, const std::list<Double_t>& initGuess,
1296  const Int_t searchRadius)
1297 {
1298  std::list<Double_t> peaks;
1299  for (const auto& guessPos: initGuess) {
1300  // get bin position
1301  const Int_t peakBinNb = hist->GetXaxis()->FindBin(guessPos);
1302  // make initial 'clear' gauss fit
1303  auto gausInit = new TF1("gausInit", "gaus", peakBinNb - searchRadius,
1304  peakBinNb + searchRadius);
1305  auto fitRes = hist->Fit("gausInit", "RS");
1306  // make gauss + pol1 fit based on initial preliminary clear gauss fit
1307  auto gausPol = new TF1("gausPol", "gaus(0) + pol1(3)", peakBinNb - searchRadius,
1308  peakBinNb + searchRadius);
1309  gausPol->SetParameter(0, fitRes->Parameter(0)); // constant (height)
1310  gausPol->SetParameter(1, fitRes->Parameter(1)); // mean
1311  gausPol->SetParameter(2, fitRes->Parameter(2)); // sigma
1312  fitRes = hist->Fit("gausPol", "RS+");
1313  peaks.push_back(fitRes->Parameter(1));
1314  }
1315  return peaks;
1316 }
1318 std::list<Double_t> PeakSearch::GetPeaks(TH1* hist, const std::list<Double_t>& initGuess) {
1319  std::list<Double_t> peaks;
1320  switch (fPeakSearchMethod) {
1321  case SLIDING_WINDOW:
1322  peaks = SlidingWindowPeakSearch(hist, initGuess, fSlideWindowWidth, fSearchRadius);
1323  break;
1324  case GAUSS:
1325  peaks = GaussPeakSearch(hist, initGuess, fSearchRadius);
1326  break;
1327  default:
1328  Error("PeakSearch::SearchPeaks", "Unknown peak search method is set");
1329  }
1330  // restore hist range
1331  hist->GetXaxis()->SetRange(0, hist->GetXaxis()->GetNbins());
1332  // std::sort(peaks.begin(), peaks.end(), [](const Double_t& first,const Double_t& second) {
1333  // return first < second;
1334  // });
1335  peaks.sort();
1336  for (const auto &peak: peaks) {
1337  std::cout << peak << " ";
1338  }
1339  std::cout << std::endl;
1340  return peaks;
1341 }
1346 const static std::vector<Double_t> fAlphaE = {4.7844, 6.0024, 7.6869};
1351 const static std::vector<std::vector<Double_t>> fElossApprox = {{0.0010319, 0.146954, 0.00181655},
1352  {0.0004273, 0.127711, 0.00106127},
1353  {0.0001624, 0.108467, 0.000589357}};
1355 class Calibration: public TaskManager, public PeakSearch {
1356 /* @class Calibration
1357  @brief Class implements SSD calibration procedure described
1358  in
1359 */
1360 public:
1361  Calibration() = default;
1362  Calibration(const TString& rawDataPath);
1363  ~Calibration() = default;
1365  void SetSensor(SensorRunInfo* sensor) {fSensor = sensor;}
1372  void Exec();
1374  void SearchPeaks();
1376  void DeadLayerEstimation();
1377  void CalcCalibrationCoefficients(Bool_t fitLastTwoPoints = false);
1379  /* Set path containing user's custom spectra. If set, prepocessing results are ignored,
1380  only spectra from the defined folder are used.
1381  */
1382  void SetPathToCustomSpectra(const TString& path) {fSpectraHistPath = path;}
1384 protected:
1398  void PrintReport(const std::vector<std::vector<Double_t>>& peaks,
1399  const std::vector<Double_t>& deadVec,
1400  const Double_t avgDead,
1401  const std::vector<std::vector<Double_t>>& coeffsAB);
1403  std::vector<Double_t> GetAlphaEnergiesAfterDeadLayer (const Double_t dead);
1412  Double_t GetDeadLayerByEta (const Double_t eta);
1414 protected:
1415  TString fSpectraHistPath = "";
1416  SensorRunInfo* fSensor = nullptr;
1417 };
1419 Calibration::Calibration(const TString& rawDataPath) : TaskManager(rawDataPath) {
1420  fSensor = new SensorRunInfo();
1421 }
1423 void Calibration::SearchPeaks() {
1424  if (fSpectraHistPath == "") {
1425  fSpectraHistPath = fIOManager->GetPath(ROOT_HIST_SPECTRA_PATH, fRunId, fSensor);
1426  }
1427  const auto histFile = fIOManager->OpenRootFile(fSpectraHistPath);
1429  const TString peaksHistPath = fIOManager->GetPath(ROOT_HIST_PEAKS_PATH, fRunId, fSensor);
1430  const auto peakHists = fIOManager->CreateRootFile(peaksHistPath);
1432  std::vector<std::list<Double_t>> peaks;
1433  for (Int_t iStrip = 0; iStrip < fSensor->fStripAmount; iStrip++) {
1434  const TString histName = Form("strip_%d", iStrip);
1435  // const auto hist = static_cast<TH1D*>(GetObjectFromRootFile(histFile, histName));
1436  // TODO: check if hists in file deordered and we should not get object by key id
1437  const auto hist = static_cast<TH1D*>(GetObjectFromRootFile(histFile, iStrip));
1438  if (fSensor->fNoiseThreshold > 0) {
1439  hist->GetXaxis()->SetRange(fSensor->fNoiseThreshold, fSensor->fBinAmount);
1440  }
1441  const auto peaksTSpec = GetPeaksTSpectrum(hist, fFitMinSigma, fFitPeakThreshold);
1442  auto stripPeaks = GetPeaks(hist, peaksTSpec);
1443  if (stripPeaks.size() == 4) {
1444  // delete the second element from the list
1445  auto itDelete = stripPeaks.begin();
1446  std::advance(itDelete, 1);
1447  stripPeaks.erase(itDelete);
1448  } else {
1449  Warning(
1450  "Calibration::SearchPeaks", "Found peaks amount doesn't equal 4 (%zu)", stripPeaks.size()
1451  );
1452  Warning("Calibration::SearchPeaks", "By default values are set to Nan");
1453  stripPeaks.clear();
1454  stripPeaks = std::list<Double_t>(3, std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN());
1455  }
1456  peaks.push_back(stripPeaks);
1457  hist->Write();
1458  }
1460  const TString peakDataPath = fIOManager->GetPath(TXT_PEAK_DATA_PATH, fRunId, fSensor);
1461  // @TODO add methods to set peak markers on histograms
1462  auto peaksFile = fIOManager->CreateTextFile(peakDataPath);
1463  Dump2DVector(peaks, peaksFile);
1464  peaksFile.close();
1465  histFile->Close();
1466 }
1468 Double_t Calibration::GetDeadLayerByEta (const Double_t eta) {
1469  // quad fit for elosses caliculated with 1e-5um step
1470  return (-5272.9763 + 19011.5041 * eta - 17102.8129 * eta * eta);
1471 }
1474 void Calibration::DeadLayerEstimation() {
1475  // read peaks from file
1476  const TString peakDataPath = fIOManager->GetPath(TXT_PEAK_DATA_PATH, fRunId, fSensor);
1477  auto peaksFile = fIOManager->OpenTextFile(peakDataPath);
1478  auto peaks = Read2DDoubleVectorFromFile(peakDataPath);
1480  vector<Double_t> deadVec;
1481  for (const auto stripPeaks: peaks) {
1482  const Double_t eta = (stripPeaks[2] - stripPeaks[1]) / (stripPeaks[2] - stripPeaks[0]);
1483  const Double_t deadLayer = GetDeadLayerByEta(eta); // [um]
1484  deadVec.push_back(deadLayer);
1485  }
1487  const TString deadPath = fIOManager->GetPath(TXT_DEAD_LAYER_PATH, fRunId, fSensor);
1488  auto file = fIOManager->CreateTextFile(deadPath);
1489  DumpVector(deadVec, file);
1490 }
1492 std::vector<Double_t> Calibration::GetAlphaEnergiesAfterDeadLayer (const Double_t dead) {
1493  std::vector<Double_t> energies;
1494  for (Int_t i = 0; i < fElossApprox.size(); i++) {
1495  const Double_t energy = fAlphaE[i]
1496  - fElossApprox[i][2] * pow(dead, 2)
1497  - fElossApprox[i][1] * dead
1498  - fElossApprox[i][0];
1499  energies.push_back(energy);
1500  }
1501  return energies;
1502 }
1504 void Calibration::CalcCalibrationCoefficients(Bool_t fitOnlyLastTwoPointsNvsE = false) {
1505  // read peaks from file
1506  const TString peakDataPath = fIOManager->GetPath(TXT_PEAK_DATA_PATH, fRunId, fSensor);
1507  auto peaks = Read2DDoubleVectorFromFile(peakDataPath);
1508  std::vector<Double_t> deadVec;
1509  std::vector<std::vector<Double_t>> energies;
1510  Double_t avgDead;
1511  if (fSensor->fIsDeadLayerPerStripsSet) {
1512  for (Int_t iStrip = 0; iStrip < fSensor->fStripAmount; iStrip++) {
1513  energies.push_back(GetAlphaEnergiesAfterDeadLayer(fSensor->fDeadLayers[iStrip]));
1514  deadVec = fSensor->fDeadLayers;
1515  avgDead = CalculateAvg(deadVec);
1516  }
1517  } else {
1518  // read dead layers from file
1519  const TString deadDataPath = fIOManager->GetPath(TXT_DEAD_LAYER_PATH, fRunId, fSensor);
1520  deadVec = ReadDoubleVectorFromFile(deadDataPath);
1521  avgDead = CalculateAvg(deadVec);
1522  auto energies_avg = GetAlphaEnergiesAfterDeadLayer(avgDead);
1523  for (Int_t iStrip = 0; iStrip < fSensor->fStripAmount; iStrip++) {
1524  energies.push_back(energies_avg);
1525  }
1526  }
1528  std::vector<std::vector<Double_t>> coeffsAB;
1529  for (Int_t iStrip = 0; iStrip < peaks.size(); iStrip++) {
1530  TGraph* gr = (fitOnlyLastTwoPointsNvsE)
1531  ? new TGraph(energies[0].size() - 1, &peaks[iStrip][1], &energies[iStrip][1])
1532  : new TGraph(energies[0].size(), &peaks[iStrip][0], &energies[iStrip][0]);
1533  TFitResultPtr fitRes = gr->Fit("pol1","S");
1534  const Double_t a = fitRes->Parameter(1);
1535  const Double_t b = fitRes->Parameter(0);
1536  std::vector<Double_t> coeffs = {a, b};
1537  coeffsAB.push_back(coeffs);
1538  }
1540  const TString calibPath = fIOManager->GetPath(TXT_CALIB_COEFF_PATH, fRunId, fSensor);
1541  auto fileCalib = fIOManager->CreateTextFile(calibPath);
1542  Dump2DVector(coeffsAB, fileCalib);
1543  fileCalib.close();
1545  PrintReport(peaks, deadVec, avgDead, coeffsAB);
1546 }
1548 void Calibration::PrintReport(const std::vector<std::vector<Double_t>>& peaks,
1549  const std::vector<Double_t>& deadVec,
1550  const Double_t avgDead,
1551  const std::vector<std::vector<Double_t>>& coeffsAB) {
1552  const TString reportPath = fIOManager->GetPath(TXT_REPORT_PATH, fRunId, fSensor);
1553  auto report = fIOManager->CreateTextFile(reportPath);
1554  report << std::right;
1555  report << "Calibration results. " << endl << endl;
1556  report << "File ID is " << fRunId << endl;
1557  if (fPeakSearchMethod == SLIDING_WINDOW) {
1558  report << "Peak search method: SLIDING_WINDOW" << endl;
1559  report << "Sliding window algorithm parameters: " << endl;
1560  report << " window width: " << fSlideWindowWidth << endl;
1561  report << " search region around TSpectrum peak: +-" << fSearchRadius << endl;
1562  report << " peak RMS: " << fFitMinSigma << endl;
1563  report << " peak amplitude threshold (with respect to maximal): "
1564  << fFitPeakThreshold << endl;
1565  }
1566  if (fPeakSearchMethod == GAUSS) {
1567  report << "Peak search method: GAUSS (gaus + pol1)" << endl;
1568  report << "Algorithm parameters: " << endl;
1569  report << " search region around TSpectrum peak: +-" << fSearchRadius << endl;
1570  report << " peak RMS: " << fFitMinSigma << endl;
1571  report << " peak amplitude threshold (with respect to maximal): "
1572  << fFitPeakThreshold << endl;
1573  }
1574  report << endl;
1575  report << "Determined peak positions (in [ADC-channels]):" << endl;
1576  report << "StripNb" << std::right
1577  << setw(20) << "E_low"
1578  << setw(20) << "E_middle"
1579  << setw(20) << "E_high" << endl;
1580  Int_t iStrip = 0;
1581  for (const auto& stripPeaks: peaks) {
1582  report << iStrip++ << std::right
1583  << setw(20) << stripPeaks[0]
1584  << setw(20) << stripPeaks[1]
1585  << setw(20) << stripPeaks[2] << endl;
1586  }
1587  report << endl;
1589  report << "Integral over the window ([Counts]):" << endl;
1590  report << "StripNb" << std::right
1591  << setw(20) << "E_low"
1592  << setw(20) << "E_middle"
1593  << setw(20) << "E_high" << endl;
1594  iStrip = 0;
1595  for (const auto& integral: fIntegralInWindow) {
1596  report << iStrip++ << std::right
1597  << setw(20) << integral[0]
1598  << setw(20) << integral[1]
1599  << setw(20) << integral[2] << endl;
1600  }
1601  report << endl;
1603  report << "Dead layer estimation [um] by strips: " << endl;
1604  report << "StripNb" << setw(20) << "Dead layer"<< endl;
1605  iStrip = 0;
1606  for (const auto& dead: deadVec) {
1607  report << iStrip++ << std::right
1608  << setw(20) << dead << endl;
1609  }
1610  report << "Avg:" << setw(20) << avgDead << endl;
1611  report << "Max-Min:" << setw(20)
1612  << *std::max_element(deadVec.begin(), deadVec.end()) - *std::min_element(deadVec.begin(), deadVec.end()) << endl;
1613  report << endl;
1614  report << "Calibration coefficients: " << endl;
1615  report << "StripNb" << std::right
1616  << setw(20) << "a"
1617  << setw(20) << "b"<< endl;
1618  iStrip = 0;
1619  for (const auto& stripCoeffsAB: coeffsAB) {
1620  report << iStrip++ << std::right
1621  << setw(20) << stripCoeffsAB[0]
1622  << setw(20) << stripCoeffsAB[1] << endl;
1623  }
1624  report.close();
1625 }
1628  SearchPeaks();
1629  DeadLayerEstimation();
1630  CalcCalibrationCoefficients();
1631 }
1634 public:
1635  NonUniformityMapBuilder() = default;
1636  NonUniformityMapBuilder(const TString& mapRunDataPath);
1637  ~NonUniformityMapBuilder() = default;
1639  void SetThickSensor(SensorRunInfo* sensor) {fMapSensors->at(0) = sensor;}
1640  void SetThinSensor(SensorRunInfo* sensor) {fMapSensors->at(1) = sensor;}
1641  void SetThickCalibSensor(SensorRunInfo* sensor) {fSensorCalib = sensor;}
1649  void DrawPixelSpectra();
1650  void SearchPixelHighEnergyPeak();
1651  void CreateThinSensorMap();
1652  void Exec();
1653 private:
1654  // fMapSensors->at(0) - thick sensor info, fMapSensors->at(1) - thin sensor info
1655  std::vector<SensorRunInfo*>* fMapSensors = new std::vector<SensorRunInfo*>(2, nullptr);
1656  SensorRunInfo* fSensorCalib = nullptr; // info about thick sensor from a calibration run
1657 };
1659 NonUniformityMapBuilder::NonUniformityMapBuilder(const TString& mapRunDataPath)
1660  : TaskManager(mapRunDataPath) {
1661 }
1664 void NonUniformityMapBuilder::Exec() {
1665  DrawPixelSpectra();
1666  SearchPixelHighEnergyPeak();
1667  CreateThinSensorMap();
1668 }
1671 // Quadratic approximation of the D(dE)
1672 // by dead layer points 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36 um
1673 // for the 7.6869 MeV alpha-particle
1674 // D(dE) = p0 + p1*dE + p2*dE^2,
1675 // where D - effective dead layer high energy alpha-particle passes through [um],
1676 // dE - energy loss [MeV]
1677 const std::vector<double> quad_coeffs = {0.159428, 0.0837999, 0.0014907}; // highE
1678 // Cubic approximation of the D(dE)
1679 // by dead layer points 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36 um
1680 // for the 7.6869 MeV alpha-particle
1681 // D(dE) = p0 + p1*dE + p2*dE^2 + p3*dE^3,
1682 // where D - effective dead layer high energy alpha-particle passes through [um],
1683 // dE - energy loss [MeV]
1684 const std::vector<double> cube_coeffs = {0.00805579, 9.18781, -0.401229, -0.0044059};
1693 double GetThicknessByHighElossQuad(double dE) {
1694  return (-quad_coeffs[1] + sqrt(pow(quad_coeffs[1], 2)
1695  - 4*quad_coeffs[2]*(quad_coeffs[0] - dE)))
1696  / (2 * quad_coeffs[2]);
1697 }
1706 double GetThicknessByHighElossCubic (double dE) {
1707  return cube_coeffs[0] + cube_coeffs[1]*dE
1708  + cube_coeffs[2] * pow(dE, 2)
1709  + cube_coeffs[3] * pow(dE, 3);
1710 }
1714  // Get input tree
1715  const TString multSelectPath = fIOManager->GetPath(
1716  ROOT_MULT_SELECTED_PATH, fMapSensors->at(0)->fRunId, fMapSensors
1717  );
1718  auto multSelectFile = fIOManager->OpenRootFile(multSelectPath);
1719  auto tree = static_cast<TTree*>(GetObjectFromRootFile(multSelectFile));
1720  // Create output file
1721  const TString pixelSpectraPath = fIOManager->GetPath(
1722  ROOT_HIST_PIXEL_PATH, fMapSensors->at(0)->fRunId, fMapSensors
1723  );
1724  auto outFile = fIOManager->CreateRootFile(pixelSpectraPath);
1725  // Read thresholds
1726  const TString thresholdThickPath = fIOManager->GetPath(
1727  TXT_THRESHOLD_PATH, fMapSensors->at(0)->fRunId, fMapSensors->at(0)
1728  );
1729  const TString thresholdThinPath = fIOManager->GetPath(
1730  TXT_THRESHOLD_PATH, fMapSensors->at(1)->fRunId, fMapSensors->at(1)
1731  );
1732  const auto thresholdThick = ReadVectorFromFile<UShort_t>(thresholdThickPath);
1733  const auto thresholdThin = ReadVectorFromFile<UShort_t>(thresholdThinPath);
1735  DrawSensorSpectraByPixel(tree, fMapSensors->at(0), fMapSensors->at(1),
1736  thresholdThick, thresholdThin);
1737  multSelectFile->Close();
1738  outFile->Close();
1739 }
1741 void NonUniformityMapBuilder::SearchPixelHighEnergyPeak() {
1742  const TString pixelSpectraPath = fIOManager->GetPath(
1743  ROOT_HIST_PIXEL_PATH, fMapSensors->at(0)->fRunId, fMapSensors
1744  );
1745  auto histFile = fIOManager->OpenRootFile(pixelSpectraPath);
1747  const TString peaksHistPath = fIOManager->GetPath(
1748  ROOT_HIST_PEAKS_PATH, fMapSensors->at(0)->fRunId, fMapSensors
1749  );
1750  const auto peakHists = fIOManager->CreateRootFile(peaksHistPath);
1752  std::vector<std::vector<Double_t>> peaks;
1753  for (Int_t iStripThick = 0; iStripThick < fMapSensors->at(0)->fStripAmount; iStripThick++) {
1754  std::vector<Double_t> stripPeaks;
1755  for (Int_t iStripThin = 0; iStripThin < fMapSensors->at(1)->fStripAmount; iStripThin++) {
1756  const auto pixelName = Form("%s[%d]_%s[%d]", fMapSensors->at(0)->fName.Data(),
1757  iStripThick,
1758  fMapSensors->at(1)->fName.Data(),
1759  iStripThin);
1760  Info("SearchPixelHighEnergyPeak", "Search high energy peak in pixel %s", pixelName);
1761  const auto histName = Form("pixel_%s", pixelName);
1762  const auto hist = static_cast<TH1D*>(GetObjectFromRootFile(histFile, histName));
1763  const auto peaksTSpec = GetPeaksTSpectrum(hist, fFitMinSigma, fFitPeakThreshold);
1764  auto pixelPeaks = GetPeaks(hist, peaksTSpec);
1765  Double_t peakPos;
1766  if (pixelPeaks.size()) {
1767  peakPos = pixelPeaks.back();
1768  } else {
1769  Warning("Calibration::SearchPeaks", "Peaks are not found");
1770  Warning("Calibration::SearchPeaks", "By default value is set to Nan");
1771  peakPos = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
1772  }
1773  stripPeaks.push_back(peakPos);
1774  hist->Write();
1775  }
1776  peaks.push_back(stripPeaks);
1777  }
1778  const TString highEPeaksPath = fIOManager->GetPath(
1779  TXT_HIGH_E_PEAK_PATH, fMapSensors->at(0)->fRunId, fMapSensors
1780  );
1781  auto peaksFile = fIOManager->CreateTextFile(highEPeaksPath);
1782  Dump2DVector(peaks, peaksFile);
1783  peaksFile.close();
1784  histFile->Close();
1785  peakHists->Close();
1786 }
1788 void NonUniformityMapBuilder::CreateThinSensorMap() {
1789  // read data for a thin sensor effective thickness map building
1790  const TString pixelPeakMapPath = fIOManager->GetPath(
1791  TXT_HIGH_E_PEAK_PATH, fMapSensors->at(0)->fRunId, fMapSensors
1792  );
1793  const TString peaksThickCalibPath = fIOManager->GetPath(
1794  TXT_PEAK_DATA_PATH, fSensorCalib->fRunId, fSensorCalib
1795  );
1796  const TString thickCalibCoeffsPath = fIOManager->GetPath(
1797  TXT_CALIB_COEFF_PATH, fSensorCalib->fRunId, fSensorCalib
1798  );
1799  const TString deadLayerThickPath = fIOManager->GetPath(
1800  TXT_DEAD_LAYER_PATH, fSensorCalib->fRunId, fSensorCalib
1801  );
1802  auto peaksPixelHighEMap = Read2DDoubleVectorFromFile(pixelPeakMapPath);
1803  auto peaksThickCalib = Read2DDoubleVectorFromFile(peaksThickCalibPath);
1804  auto calibCoeffsThick = Read2DDoubleVectorFromFile(thickCalibCoeffsPath);
1805  auto deadLayerThickVec = ReadDoubleVectorFromFile(deadLayerThickPath);
1806  const Int_t thickStripAmount = fMapSensors->at(0)->fStripAmount;
1807  const Int_t thinStripAmount = fMapSensors->at(1)->fStripAmount;
1808  // create output map root file
1809  const TString mapRootPath = fIOManager->GetPath(
1810  ROOT_HIST_NON_UNIFORM_MAP_PATH, fMapSensors->at(0)->fRunId, fMapSensors
1811  );
1812  auto outFile = fIOManager->CreateRootFile(mapRootPath);
1813  auto hist = new TH2D("map", Form("Map of the sensor %s effective",
1814  fMapSensors->at(1)->fName.Data()),
1815  thickStripAmount, 0, thickStripAmount,
1816  thinStripAmount, 0, thinStripAmount);
1817  std::vector<std::vector<Double_t>> sensorMap;
1818  const Double_t deadLayerThick = CalculateAvg(deadLayerThickVec);
1819  for (Int_t iStripThick = 0; iStripThick < thickStripAmount; iStripThick++) {
1820  std::vector<Double_t> stripMap;
1821  for (Int_t iStripThin = 0; iStripThin < thinStripAmount; iStripThin++) {
1822  const Double_t N2 = peaksThickCalib[iStripThick][2];
1823  const Double_t N1 = peaksPixelHighEMap[iStripThick][iStripThin];
1824  const Double_t dE = (N2 - N1) * calibCoeffsThick[iStripThick][0];
1825  const Double_t pixelThickness = GetThicknessByHighElossCubic(dE) - deadLayerThick;
1826  hist->SetBinContent(iStripThick + 1, iStripThin + 1, pixelThickness);
1827  stripMap.push_back(pixelThickness);
1828  }
1829  sensorMap.push_back(stripMap);
1830  }
1832  const TString mapTxtPath = fIOManager->GetPath(
1833  TXT_HIST_NON_UNIFORM_MAP_PATH, fMapSensors->at(0)->fRunId, fMapSensors
1834  );
1835  auto mapFile = fIOManager->CreateTextFile(mapTxtPath);
1836  Dump2DVector(sensorMap, mapFile);
1838  mapFile.close();
1839  hist->Write();
1840  outFile->Close();
1841 }
1843 } // namespace ERCalibrationSSD
Double_t GetDeadLayerByEta(const Double_t eta)
Returns dead layer thickness [um] by eta parameter value. d(eta) is a qudratic approximation // in fo...
std::ifstream OpenTextFile(const TString &filePath)
Opens output text file.
void Write(const TObjArray *arr)
Serilizes list of objects to a current opened ROOT file directory.
TString ConstructSensorFilePath(const std::set< TString > &subdirs, const TString &prefix, const TString &nameRoot, const std::vector< SensorRunInfo * > *sensors, const TString &extension="root")
Returns file path according to sensor names, prefix and extension by scheme [WORK_DIR]/(sensor_name_1...
std::list< Double_t > GetPeaks(TH1 *hist, const std::list< Double_t > &initGuess)
Returns peaks according to set options. Restores histogram bin range (0, Nbins) after search by any m...
std::ofstream CreateTextFile(const TString &filePath)
Creates output text file Creates a file and all the needed subdirectories.
void MultiplicitySelection(const SensorRunInfo *sensor, std::vector< SensorRunInfo * > sensorsZeroSignal=std::vector< SensorRunInfo * >())
Performs multiplicity selection of a data. Method creates a tree where in each event analyzed sensors...
void FindThresholds(const TString &opt="draw_off")
Finds noise thresholds, saves results to a file. Algorithm: 1) Find bin number with maximal amplitude...
TFile * OpenRootFile(const TString &filePath)
Opens ROOT file.
TFile * CreateRootFile(const TString &filePath)
Creates output ROOT-file Creates a file and all the needed subdirectories.
TString ConstructFilePath(const std::set< TString > &subdirs, const TString &prefix, const TString &nameRoot, const std::vector< SensorRunInfo * > *sensors, const TString &extension="root")
Returns file path according to subdirs list, prefix and extension by scheme [WORK_DIR]/(subdirs)/(pre...
std::list< Double_t > GaussPeakSearch(TH1 *hist, const std::list< Double_t > &initGuess, const Int_t searchRadius)
Searchs peaks on a histogram by the &#39;gaus + pol1&#39; fit. Algorithm:
std::list< Double_t > SlidingWindowPeakSearch(TH1 *hist, const std::list< Double_t > &initGuess, const Int_t windowWidth, const Int_t searchRadius)
Searchs peaks on a histogram by the "sliding window" algorithm. Algorithm:
void DrawPixelSpectra()
Draws thick sensor pixels and saves histograms to the file.
void ChangeDir(const TString &dirname)
Changes working directory.
void SetThresholdFile(const TString &path)
Sets threshold file path. Threshold integer values for each strip are listed in a file in ascending s...
void AddSensor(SensorRunInfo *sensor)
Adds sensor to a current preprocessing. Sensors are form common file.
void Exec()
Executes all calibration steps 1) Peaks position determination. 2) Dead layer estimation. 3) Calibration coefficients calculation. 4) Report file printing.
void CreateSpectraHists(const SensorRunInfo *sensor)
Creates strips spectra for the further analysis analysis. Saves resulting hists for each sensor by pa...
TString GetPath(const Int_t fileType, const TString &nameRoot, const std::vector< SensorRunInfo * > *sensors=nullptr)
Returns a path to a desired file File storing structure is fixed for the calibrations procedure...
std::list< Double_t > GetPeaksTSpectrum(TH1 *hist, const Double_t fitMinSigma, const Double_t fitPeakThreshold)
void PrintReport(const std::vector< std::vector< Double_t >> &peaks, const std::vector< Double_t > &deadVec, const Double_t avgDead, const std::vector< std::vector< Double_t >> &coeffsAB)
Finds peaks with a set algorithm method. Stores statistic files in the directory [WORK_DIR]/run_id/se...
std::vector< T > GetSensorThresholds(const SensorRunInfo *sensor, const TString &runId)
Returns a std::vector of sensor noise threshold. If user defined file was set for sensor...
void ConvertTree(const TString &option="neevent")
Prepares raw input tree by leaving only leaves needed for the further analysis. As a result file [WOR...
void MakeDir(const TString &dirname)
Creates directory in a current working directory.