From 03/04/2020 to 04/02/2020
- 04:36 PM Analyzing #453: ID plot for side telescope
The first layer of side telescope was calibrated using parameters provided in task 445. The second layer was not cali...
- 10:54 AM Analyzing #455: Estimation of the beam integral
For the beam integral calculation following selections were used:
8He selection by dE-ToF
center of the targe...
- 02:44 AM Analyzing #457 (Открыта): Attempt for relative calibration of side telescope
Side silicon telescope intended for registration of 3He was not fully calibrated before the beginning of the beam ses...
- 02:40 AM Analyzing #456 (Открыта): Neutron detector data
Provide current data from the neutron detector.
In separate comments
describe the calibration of the detecto...
- 02:35 AM Analyzing #455 (Открыта): Estimation of the beam integral
Estimate the 8He beam integral for a particular beamtime period.
Try to estimate the 8He beam integral under a re...
- 02:30 AM Analyzing #454 (Открыта): ID plot for F6 detector
Provide the time-amplitude identification plot for a detector at F6. A group Z=1 should be separated from group Z>1. ...
- 02:25 AM Analyzing #453 (Открыта): ID plot for side telescope
Provide a standard identification dE-E plot for side telescope.
Estimate the number of registered
6Li...- 02:22 AM Analyzing #452 (Открыта): Beam projection
Provide a beam projection in
MWPC1 plane
MWPC2 plane
target plane
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