Developing #444

Passive parts of telescope and 2 signals from one strip readout

Added by Vitaliy Schetinin almost 5 years ago.

Status:ОткрытаStart date:03/29/2020
Priority:НормальныйDue date:
Assignee:Vitaliy Schetinin% Done:


Target version:v-1.0


1) It is needed to add passive arbitrary shapes to telescope station. Shapes will be loaded from .root file and will be positioned in station coordinate system.

2) We want to add possibility to receive two signals from one strip. One sided station after digitization will be treat as two ordinary one sided stations and 2 sided station will be treat as 4 ordinary stations. The natural limiting case is one strip which is considered as a two-sided station with two-sided reading for each coordinate. This case corresponds to the F6 station of current setup.

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