Analyzing #412

Analyzing #436: Reference reaction: Data analysis

Analyzing #459: Beam of 10Be

Estimation of beam intensity from logbook

Added by Vratislav Chudoba about 5 years ago. Updated almost 5 years ago.

Status:ОткрытаStart date:01/13/2020
Priority:НормальныйDue date:
Assignee:Mai Anh% Done:


Target version:-


Make estimation of the beam intensity and beam integral from the logbook.

Take intensity in F5 for each record in the logbook and put in in the google sheet. Make graph showing intensity evolution in the time of exposition.

Calculate the estimation of the beam integral using the purity of the beam reported in task 394 and scale coeficient 16x256 as reported in logbook (page 1, right side).

Related issues

Related to Analyzing #417: Estimation of the 10Be beam trigger scale coefficient from experimental data Открыта 01/17/2020


#1 Updated by Mai Anh about 5 years ago

As I asked Sasha, the intensity in F5 was written from the logbook is the real value with the scale coefficient 16 x 256 was taken into account.
Here from the graph that is showing the intensity evolution in the time of exposition as you wish, then calculate the estimation of the beam integral using the purity of the beam reported in task 394
It was found that the purity of 10Be is 71%

1. thick target: be10_ct_*
    the beam integral  = 6.5277E10 * 0.71 = 4.6347E10 particles for 514 860 [s] => 90 019 pps

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2. thin target: be10_ct_39* and be10_ct_40*
    the beam integral  = 5.39595E9 * 0.71 = 3.83112E9 particles for 37 200 [s] => 102 987 pps

3. empty target: be10_ect_*
    the beam integral  = 3.78573E10 * 0.71 = 2.68787E10 particles for 229 020 [s] => 117 364 pps

#2 Updated by Vratislav Chudoba about 5 years ago

  • Related to Analyzing #417: Estimation of the 10Be beam trigger scale coefficient from experimental data added

#3 Updated by Vratislav Chudoba almost 5 years ago

  • Parent task changed from #393 to #459

#4 Updated by Vratislav Chudoba almost 5 years ago

  • Project changed from EXP1904 to EXP1904: Reference reaction

#5 Updated by Vratislav Chudoba almost 5 years ago

  • Related to Analyzing #417: Estimation of the 10Be beam trigger scale coefficient from experimental data added

#6 Updated by Vratislav Chudoba almost 5 years ago

  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

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