Developing #374

Strips numbering direction of SSD

Added by Ivan Muzalevsky over 5 years ago.

Status:ОткрытаStart date:10/15/2019
Priority:НормальныйDue date:
Assignee:Mikhail Kozlov% Done:


Target version:-


At the moment the constructor for the Si detector:
for example,
ERQTelescopeGeoComponentSingleSi* thin_Left = new ERQTelescopeGeoComponentSingleSi("SingleSi", "SingleSi_SSD20_L", 
                                                                                  TVector3(0., 0., -1.4), TVector3(), "X");

The strip numbering is from negative to positive axis direction by default

If one needs to change the strip numbering direction one has to rotate the detector around the Z axis. Such method allows to change the strip numbering only by rotation of the detector. Such procedure does not allow to change the strip numbering direction of only one plane of the Double SSD. 

One should create methods for change the default configuration of the strip numbering by analogy with ERBeamDetSetup::SetMWPCnumberingInvOrderX() method which can be applied for all Si detectors.

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