Developing #316

Full life cycle demonstrator by the example of Autumn 2018 H-7 experiment

Added by Sergey Belogurov almost 6 years ago. Updated almost 6 years ago.

Status:ОткрытаStart date:05/03/2019
Priority:ВысокийDue date:
Assignee:Mai Anh% Done:


Target version:-


As far as whole planned functionality seems to be implemented, a full example including: simulation with phase space distribution of the products (isotropic in CM for the d(8He,3He)7H reaction), realistic target, right, left and central  telescopes, including  thickness maps of the 20-um-thick sensors of the right  and left telescopes; digitization, digibuilding with real data and reconstruction should be composeed.  Digibuilding and reconstruction should  focus on the left telescope. The most important thing is to study influence of struggling and dead layer misestimation on the DeltaE - E separation of He-3 from He-4.  It should be clear that search for the best calibtation of the right and central telescopes is postponed till additional calibration measurements are performed.



#1 Updated by Sergey Belogurov almost 6 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)

#2 Updated by Vitaliy Schetinin almost 6 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Mikhail Kozlov to Mai Anh

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