bugs #190

Analyzing #183: Express analysis of experimental data

MWPC bug

Added by Vratislav Chudoba almost 7 years ago.

Status:ОткрытаStart date:05/06/2018
Priority:НизкийDue date:
Assignee:-% Done:


Target version:-


Working with Egor's version of Go4 library we can see following situation. If number of fired wires is set as zero, we nevertheless observe fired wires. Following example was obtained from run h5_12*.lmd. Using the original version of Go4 library (used during the experiment) we can obtain the same picture.

This feature may be related to absence of reset the array NeEvent.x1[] (and others) or to work of electronics.

Moreover, in experimental run we can observe fired wires with number higher than 20000 but we have to be in range (0,31).

Sergey, be so kind and mark missing information in current report. I will fill it in.

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