Vratislav Chudoba's activity

From 01/29/2020 to 02/27/2020


02:03 AM EXP_6Be Developing #439 (Открыта): Testing simulation based on 7H experiment

Take a working macros for simulation for EXP1904. It may be found in



Vratislav Chudoba


02:19 AM EXP1904: Reference reaction Developing #437 (Открыта): Missing mass of 9Li from 3He registered in coincidence with 8He

Provide missing mass of 9Li from 3He registered in the side telescopes in coincidence with 8He registered in the cent...

Vratislav Chudoba
02:11 AM EXP1904: Reference reaction Analyzing #436 (Открыта): Reference reaction: Data analysis

All issues related to data analysis of the 10Be(d,3He)9Li reaction will be subtasks of the current issue.

We fix t...

Vratislav Chudoba


05:19 PM EXP_6Be Developing #433 (Открыта): ER simulation macro

Basing on the example of already working simulation of EXP1904 prepare macro for simulation of this experiment. We wi...

Vratislav Chudoba


12:45 AM EXP_6Be Documenting #432 (Открыта): Scan of the logbook

Be so kind and provide scan of very old logbook related to experiment on 6Be.

Vratislav Chudoba
12:40 AM EXP_6Be Documenting #431 (Открыта): General issues related to experiment

In this thread, general issues related to experiment will be treated. Such as


Vratislav Chudoba
12:36 AM EXP_6Be Developing #430 (Открыта): Simulations

This is mother task for issues related to all simulation issues.

This task should not be commented.

Vratislav Chudoba

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