Vratislav Chudoba's activity
From 06/08/2018 to 07/07/2018
- 09:42 PM EXP1803 Analyzing #207: Particle identification plot for left telescope
Analysis of the 6He beam data
For convenience, we show uncorrected part of dE-E plot as shown in task 186.
- 04:04 PM EXP1803 Analyzing #207 (Открыта): Particle identification plot for left telescope
Identification of particles using dE-E plot is difficult because of unclarity related to thin detector thickness.
- 02:13 AM EXP1803 Analyzing #186: Number of 3He coincidences with 3H
We worked with run14 of exposition on 6He beam saved in lmd files:
Scripts for data treatment are availab...
- 06:20 PM EXP1803 Analyzing #186: Number of 3He coincidences with 3H
Analysis of data with beryllium beam gives interesting results. Data
- 03:50 AM EXP1803 Analyzing #186: Number of 3He coincidences with 3H
We compared dE-E identification plots obtained from experimental data (run 14) with data used for calibrations giving...
- 02:13 AM EXP1803 Analyzing #183: Express analysis of experimental data
Raw data may be converted into ROOT format in following way:
Go4 library must be available. One of the well w...
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