You can move around the graph by using the arrow keys.
Created with Raphaël 2.2.017Apr24Mar22625Feb231716151497642124Jan23201918171613121110930Dec29282726232120macro for drawing 1elec signals addedmastermasterMerge branch 'master' of script added.wptwptScripts modified. Probably to make them in accordance with text in latex file.Try to apply manual time-amplitude correction, script walk_corr.CCollecting all the recent changesraw GSI data addedA few macros related to calibration at 4.7 pF added.A few macros_W modified.Some scripts changed. Probably also optimized.Some changes in macros for drawing histogramsSmall change.Macros for data processing of WPT tests added.Merge branch 'master' of changes. Probably.New method AEvent::SetToT to determine time-over-threshold is added. Threshold is value of ampl on 50% of rising edgesmoothing in AEvent modifiedMerge branch 'master' of to smoothing.small changes to AEvent::SmoothGraphs, new scripts to see channels correlations are added. 01 - ch0 and ch1 , 02 - ch0 and ch2 and so onNumber of points for smoothing are added in analyse.cppMerge branch 'master' of SmoothGraphs is added, script for viewing smoothed graphs is testShowSmooth.C Also the fTimeMid variable is added (time in the middle of front edge)Merge branch 'master' of for pictures modifiedLogbook info updategit add data/rawDataDSR4/ macros/histCorrNew.CAEvent: function for calculating charge by front time value is added. Script histCorrNew.C for new pictures is madeCommit to merge. Merge branch 'master' of AEvent class the point where front fit crosses zero level (fTimeFront) is addedsome small changesMerge branch 'master' of with thresholds.Merge branch 'master' of to mergemethod for fcharge in AEvent was modifiedmergemerge Aevent.hAEvent::SetLED method added (leading edge discriminator)script for observing noise sigma added