Commit 20aa21b3 authored by Kostyleva D.A's avatar Kostyleva D.A

Script for drawing correlations ia added

parent 89696c5a
Raw data. Both in binary and root format.
File name | Num of events | Comment
NeuRad_test_071216_1.dat| 500 | collimated gamma source; ch0 and ch1 have coincidence; trigger ch0 |
NeuRad_test_071216_2.dat| 5000 | collimated gamma source; ch0 and ch1 have coincidence; trigger ch0 |
NeuRad_test_071216_3.dat| | neutron source Cf |
NeuRad_test_071216_4.dat| 2000 | source 60Co; trigger ch0; ch0-front, ch1,ch2,ch3 - back |
NeuRad_test_071216_5.dat| 2000 | source 60Co; trigger ch0; ch0-front, ch1,ch2,ch3 - back |
NeuRad_test_071216_6.dat| 2000 | source 60Co; trigger ch0; ch0-front, ch1,ch2,ch3 - back |
NeuRad_test_071216_7.dat| 2000 | source 60Co; trigger ch0; ch0-front, ch1,ch2,ch3 - back |
Change of PMT amplification: increasing voltage up to 1100 mV, threshold 25 mV
NeuRad_test_071216_8.dat| 10000 | source 60Co; trigger ch0; ch0-front, ch1,ch2,ch3 - back |
NeuRad_test_081216_1.dat| | trigger ch2 ????? |
NeuRad_test_081216_2.dat| 10000 | collimated gamma source; two channels only: ch0 and ch1 |
void histCorr()
TFile *f = new TFile("../data/dataDSR4/analysis_07_8.root");
TTree *t = (TTree*)f->Get("atree");
TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("canvas", "Correlation pictures");
TH2F *h1 = new TH2F("h1", "Time difference between two channels vs an integral of the first channel",500,10,1e-10,500,-300,300);
TH2F *h2 = new TH2F("h2", "Time difference between two channels vs an integral of the second channel",100,10,1e-10,100,-300,300);
TH2F *h3 = new TH2F("h3", "Integral of the first channel vs integral of the second channel",100,10,1e-10,100,-300,300);
TH2F *h4 = new TH2F("h4", "Time difference between two channels vs amplitude of the first channel",100,10,1e-10,100,-300,300);
t->Draw("( Ach0.fTimeCFD - Ach2.fTimeCFD ) : Ach0.fChargeCFD >> h1","","col");
t->Draw("( Ach0.fTimeCFD - Ach2.fTimeCFD ) : Ach2.fChargeCFD >> h2","","col");
t->Draw("Ach0.fChargeCFD:Ach2.fChargeCFD >> h3","","col");
//TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas("Correlations 2");
/*Time difference between two channels vs an integral of the first channel,
2. Time difference between two channels vs an integral of the second channel,
3. Integral of the first channel vs integral of the second channel,
4. Time difference between two channels vs amplitude of the first channel,
5. Time difference between two channels vs amplitude of the second channel,
6. Amplitude of the first channel vs amplitude of the second channel
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