AculCalibration.h 5.51 KB
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#pragma once

#include <TObject.h>
#include <TFile.h>
#include <TTree.h>
#include <TH1I.h>
#include <TPolyMarker.h>
#include <TF1.h>
#include <TH1F.h>
#include <TH2F.h>
#include <TCanvas.h>
#include <TMath.h>
#include <TGraph.h>
#include <TObjArray.h>
#include <TRandom3.h>
#include <THStack.h>
#include <TString.h>
#include <TSpectrum.h>

#include "AculRaw.h"		//potreba zaridit nezavislost na teto tride

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <sstream>


using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::setw;
using std::setprecision;
using std::stringstream;
using std::ostringstream;

class AculCalibration : public TObject


	//smysl jako verejne globalni promenne maji:
	//fNOSpectra	- pocet zkalibrovanych spekter
	//????			- pocet spravne zkalibrovanych spekter
	//????			- pocet nespravne zkalibrovanych spekter
	//fEnergy[4]	- tabulka s energiemi piku, nacita se zvenci


//	TObjArray	*fHRawList;			//list of raw histograms, list is set to owner
	TObjArray	fHRawList;			//list of raw histograms, list is set to owner
	TObjArray	fHAnalyzedList;	//list of fitted and analyzed histograms, list is set to owner
	TObjArray	fHEnergyList;		//list of calibrated histograms, list is set to owner
	THStack		fHEnergyStack;		//some stack
	THStack		*fCurrentHStack;
	//dodelat current histograms
	TObjArray	fCurrentHistList;

//	TRandom3	*fRanGen;
//	static TRandom3 fRanGen;	//!
//	THStack		*fHStack;

	//parameters to be read from file
	Int_t		kRaNOPEAKS;
	Double_t	fEnergy[DEFAULTNOPEAKS];
	Double_t	fLowerPeakRelativeHight;	//pouziva se, private
	Double_t	fUpperPeakRelativeHight;	//pouziva se, private, nastavit nenulovou prednastavenou hodnotu
	Double_t	fPeakPositionTolerance;		//pouziva se, private
	Width_t		fFitFuncLineWidth;			//private
	Double_t	fFitMinSigma;				//pouziva se, private
	Double_t	fFitPeakThreshold;			//pouziva se, private, prozkoumat, k cemu vlastne slouzi ve fci ShowPeaks, popremyslet o vhodnem prednastaveni v konstruktoru

	//tyto promenne jsou smyslem tridy, mely by tedy byt snad jako jedine verejne
	Double_t	fA[BLOCKSNUMBER][ADDRESSNUMBER];	//kalibracni parametry, f(x) = fA*x + fB
	Double_t	fB[BLOCKSNUMBER][ADDRESSNUMBER];	//kalibracni parametry, f(x) = fA*x + fB
	Double_t	fC[BLOCKSNUMBER][ADDRESSNUMBER];	//treti kalibracni parametr, jine zavislosti nez pol1
	Double_t	fD[BLOCKSNUMBER][ADDRESSNUMBER];	//ctvrty kalibracni parametr

									//smysl je velmi pochybny
	TFile		*fCalInformation;

//	AculCalibratedData	*fCalData;

	Double_t	fPeak[DEFAULTNOPEAKS];				//v teto promenne je ulozena momentalni hodnota piku v kanalech, zejmena v jedne fci, mozno udelat ji jako lokalni, bude navratovou hodnotou fce PeaksFitting, predelat delku pole

	AculCalibration();		//
	AculCalibration(const char* parfile);		//
	virtual ~AculCalibration();
	ClassDef(AculCalibration, 1);

	Bool_t	SetInputParameters(const char* inputparfile = "parforcal.par");
	Bool_t	SetCalibrationParameters(const char* calparfile);
	void	PrintInputParameters();
	void	PrintCalibrationParameters(const Int_t blockmin = 1, const Int_t blockmax = BLOCKSNUMBER - 1);

	Bool_t	CalculateCalibParameters(const char* inputfilename, const Int_t block, Int_t lowerchannel = 0, Int_t upperchannel = 4095, Int_t lowersubaddress = 0, Int_t uppersubaddress = 15); //calculate calibration parameters for given block in given file
	Bool_t	CalculateCalibParameters(const char* inputfile, const char* block, const Int_t address, const char* treename, Int_t lowerchannel = 0, Int_t upperchannel = 4095, Int_t lowersubaddress = 0, Int_t uppersubaddress = 15); //calculate calibration parameters for given block in given file
	Int_t	CalibrateBlock(const Char_t* inputfilename, const Int_t block, const Char_t* outputfilename, Int_t lowersubaddress = 0, Int_t uppersubaddress = 15); //vysvetlit, co je to outputfile
	Int_t	PeaksFitting(TH1I* hSpectrum, Option_t* option = "", Double_t sigmamin = 2);  //possible options: "V", "Q", ""
	Int_t	SearchPeaks(const TH1 *hin, Double_t sigma = 2, Option_t *option = "", Double_t threshold = 0.05, const Int_t searchedpeaks = 100);

	void	FillRawSpectraFile(const char* rawdatafile, const char* block, const char* treename, TCanvas* rawCanvas = NULL, Option_t *option = "", Int_t xaxismin = 0, Int_t xaxismax = 4096);

	void	ShowRawSpectra(const char* filename, const Int_t block, TCanvas* rawCanvas = NULL, Int_t xaxismin = 0, Int_t xaxismax = 4096, /*TObjArray* histList = NULL,*/ const Int_t subaddress = 16);
	void	ShowSpectra(const char* filename, TCanvas* rawCanvas = NULL, Option_t *option = "", Int_t xaxismin = 0, Int_t xaxismax = 4096, /*TObjArray* histList = NULL,*/ const Int_t subaddress = 16);
	void	ShowAnalyzedSpectra(const char* filename, TCanvas* fittedRawCanvas = NULL, Int_t xaxismin = 0, Int_t xaxismax = 4096, Int_t subaddress = 16);
	void	ShowEnergySpectra(const char *filename, TCanvas* energyCanvas = NULL, const Int_t subaddress = 16, Option_t* option = "", Double_t xaxismin = 0., Double_t xaxismax = 10.); //option: "sum", "c", "+",

//	void

	//dodelat funkce TTree* Get...(...) pro raw, anal i E spectra
	Bool_t	AddCalFileToList(const char* calfilelist = "CalFileList.log");

	void	ClearHistograms(Option_t* option = "");
	void	DeleteStacks(Option_t* option = "");

	void	MakeCalibrationFile(Char_t* calibrationfile, Char_t* calfilelist);

	void	Reset();

