Commit 6e1dd979 authored by Kostyleva D.A's avatar Kostyleva D.A

No more blocksnumber

parent ddc88a08
......@@ -428,13 +428,11 @@ Bool_t AculCalibration::SetCalibrationParameters(const char* calparfile)
return kTRUE;
void AculCalibration::PrintCalibrationParameters(const Int_t blockmin, const Int_t blockmax)
void AculCalibration::PrintCalibrationParameters()
// for (Int_t i = blockmin; i <= blockmax; i++) {
for (Int_t j = 0; j < ADDRESSNUMBER; j++) {
cout << "C3[" << "used to be blocksnumber" << "][" << j << "]" << setw(10) << fA[j] << setw(10) << fB[j] /*<< setw(10) << fC[j] << setw(10) << fD[j]*/ << endl;
for (Int_t j = 0; j < ADDRESSNUMBER; j++) {
cout << "C3[" << j << "]" << setw(10) << fA[j] << setw(10) << fB[j] /*<< setw(10) << fC[j] << setw(10) << fD[j]*/ << endl;
void AculCalibration::ShowRawSpectra(const char* filename, const Int_t block, TCanvas* rawCanvas, Int_t xaxismin, Int_t xaxismax, /*TObjArray* histList,*/ const Int_t subaddress)
......@@ -673,11 +671,6 @@ Bool_t AculCalibration::CalculateCalibParameters(const char* inputfile, const ch
return 0;
/*if ( (address > BLOCKSNUMBER) || (address < 1) ) {
Error("CalculateCalibParameters", "Possible address values have to be in range 1 - %d", BLOCKSNUMBER - 1);
return kFALSE;
//muzu nechat
if ( (uppersubaddress - lowersubaddress) >= ADDRESSNUMBER ) {
Error("CalculateCalibParameters", "Possible subaddress values have to be in range 0 - %d", ADDRESSNUMBER - 1);
......@@ -1354,12 +1347,11 @@ void AculCalibration::MakeCalibrationFile(Char_t* calibrationfile, Char_t *calfi
//asi fce Reset()
//for (Int_t i = 0; i < BLOCKSNUMBER; i++) {
for (Int_t j = 0; j < ADDRESSNUMBER; j++) {
fA[j] = 0;
fB[j] = 0;
const Int_t lineLength = 100;
char line[lineLength];
......@@ -1405,12 +1397,10 @@ void AculCalibration::MakeCalibrationFile(Char_t* calibrationfile, Char_t *calfi
//for (Int_t i = 0; i < BLOCKSNUMBER; i++) {
for (Int_t j = 0; j < ADDRESSNUMBER; j++) {
if (fA[j] != 0) {
CalibFileW << std::right
<< setw(2) << "3"
/*<< setw(4) << i*/
<< setw(4) << j
<< setw(12) << fA[j]
<< setw(12) << fB[j]
......@@ -1418,7 +1408,6 @@ void AculCalibration::MakeCalibrationFile(Char_t* calibrationfile, Char_t *calfi
<< endl;
......@@ -1442,7 +1431,6 @@ void AculCalibration::Reset()
//reset calibration parameters fAOld, fBOld, fC, fD to zero
//for (Int_t i = 0; i < BLOCKSNUMBER; i++) {
for (Int_t j = 0; j < ADDRESSNUMBER; j++) {
fA[j] = 0;
fB[j] = 0;
......@@ -1450,7 +1438,6 @@ void AculCalibration::Reset()
// fD[0][j] = 0.;
// fMeanSigma[i][j] = 0;
......@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@
#include <sstream>
#define BLOCKSNUMBER 100
using std::cout;
......@@ -139,11 +138,11 @@ public:
void PrintInputParameters();
//I hope this is selfunderstanding function
void PrintCalibrationParameters(const Int_t blockmin = 1, const Int_t blockmax = BLOCKSNUMBER - 1);
//Print calibration parameters fAOld, fBOld, fC, fD which are currently saved in object AculCalibration
void PrintCalibrationParameters();
//Print calibration parameters fA, fB which are currently saved in object AculCalibration
// blockmin: minimum block data are displayed for
// blockmax: maximum block data are displayed for
Bool_t CalculateCalibParameters(const char* inputfile, const char* block,
const char* treename, Int_t lowerchannel = 0,
void calibration1()
// gSystem->Load("/home/vratik/workspace/AculUtils/");
AculCalibration cal;
cal.SetInputParameters("/home/dariak/AculUtils/parforcal.par"); //from .par
cal.CalculateCalibParameters("/home/dariak/AculUtils/exp1016/clb_raw_files/sq22/clb07_0001.root", "SQ22", "AnalysisxTree", 100, 1500);
// CalculateCalibParameters(const char* inputfile, const char* block, const char* treename, Int_t lowerchannel = 0, Int_t upperchannel = 4095, Int_t nEBins = 1000, Int_t lowersubaddress = 0, Int_t uppersubaddress = ADDRESSNUMBER-1);
TFile fr("/home/dariak/AculUtils/exp1016/SQ22[]E.root");
cout << fr.GetListOfKeys()->GetEntries() << " histograms" << endl;
TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas();
/* TList *histList = fr.GetListOfKeys();
TH1 *hWork = 0;
for (Int_t i = 0; i < 32; i++)
fr.GetObject(histList->At(i)->GetName(), hWork);
void calibration2()
AculCalibration cal;
cal.SetInputParameters("/home/dariak/AculUtils/parforcal.par"); //takes !only! a number of peaks from .par
cal.SetCalibrationParameters("/home/dariak/AculUtils/SQ22[].cal"); //takes calibration parameters
TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas();
cal.CalibrateRawSpectra("/home/dariak/AculUtils/exp1016/clb_raw_files/sq22/clb09_0001.root", "SQ22", "AnalysisxTree", 100, 1500, 500); //takes data from raw file and calibrates it with obtained calibration parameters, void CalibrateRawSpectra(const char* inputfile, const char* block, const char* treename, Int_t lowerchannel = 0, Int_t upperchannel = 4095, Int_t nEBins = 1000, Int_t lowersubaddress = 0, Int_t uppersubaddress = ADDRESSNUMBER-1);
TFile fr("/home/dariak/AculUtils/SQ22[]E.root");
cout << fr.GetListOfKeys()->GetEntries() << " histograms" << endl;
/* TList *histList = fr.GetListOfKeys();
TH1 *hWork = 0;
c1->Divide(6, 6);
for (Int_t i = 0; i < 32; i++)
fr.GetObject(histList->At(i)->GetName(), hWork);
/* c1->Divide(2, 2);
fr.GetObject(histList->At(7)->GetName(), hWork);
fr.GetObject(histList->At(8)->GetName(), hWork);
fr.GetObject(histList->At(23)->GetName(), hWork);
fr.GetObject(histList->At(24)->GetName(), hWork);
TELoss mSi;
//set parameters for Si and alpha
mSi.SetEL(1, 2.321); // density in g/cm3
mSi.AddEL(14., 28.086, 1); //Z, mass
// mSi.SetZP(1., 1.); //protons
mSi.SetZP(2., 4.); //alphas, Z, A
mSi.SetEtab(100000, 200.); // ?, MeV calculate ranges
mSi.SetDeltaEtab(300); // calculate delta E
// TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("name", "title which can consist more than one word.", 617, 0, 1058, 972);
// cout << mSi.GetE(50, 1000) << endl; //(input energy E0 in MeV, microns)
// cout << mSi.GetE0(9.04, 1000) << endl; //(output energy E in MeV, microns)
//calculated energies for run1 - run3
Double_t deltaL1 = mSi.GetR(4.789, 4.623); //(doule E0, double E in MeV) calculates layer in mcm for averages
Double_t deltaL2 = mSi.GetR(5.5,5.355);
Double_t deltaL3 = mSi.GetR(6.017,5.880);
Double_t deltaL4 = mSi.GetR(7.693, 7.577);
//calculated energies for run4 - run5
Double_t deltaL1 = mSi.GetR(4.782,4.613); //(doule E0, double E in MeV) calculates layer in mcm for averages
Double_t deltaL2 = mSi.GetR(5.503,5.348);
Double_t deltaL3 = mSi.GetR(6.016,5.875);
Double_t deltaL4 = mSi.GetR(7.692,7.571);
//calculated energies for run6 - run7
Double_t deltaL1 = mSi.GetR(4.788,4.675); //(doule E0, double E in MeV) calculates layer in mcm for averages
Double_t deltaL2 = mSi.GetR(5.502,5.340);
Double_t deltaL3 = mSi.GetR(6.017,5.923);
Double_t deltaL4 = mSi.GetR(7.693,7.612);
//calculated energies for run8 - run9
Double_t deltaL1 = mSi.GetR(4.78827875,4.626188125); //(doule E0, double E in MeV) calculates layer in mcm for averages
Double_t deltaL2 = mSi.GetR(5.501093125,5.3578121875);
Double_t deltaL3 = mSi.GetR(6.0182040625,5.88149375);
Double_t deltaL4 = mSi.GetR(7.69191375,7.5725915625);
cout << deltaL1 << " mcm" << endl; //MeV, microns - delta layer
cout << deltaL2 << " mcm" << endl;
cout << deltaL3 << " mcm" << endl;
cout << deltaL4 << " mcm" << endl << endl;
cout << "dead layer 1 is: " << deltaL1/(TMath::Sqrt(2) - 1) << " mcm" << endl; //MeV, microns
cout << "dead layer 2 is: " <<deltaL2/(TMath::Sqrt(2) - 1) << " mcm" << endl; //MeV, microns
cout << "dead layer 3 is: " <<deltaL3/(TMath::Sqrt(2) - 1) << " mcm" << endl; //MeV, microns
cout << "dead layer 4 is: " <<deltaL4/(TMath::Sqrt(2) - 1) << " mcm" << endl << endl; //MeV, microns
cout << "Dead layer of Si detector is : " << ( deltaL1/(TMath::Sqrt(2) - 1) + deltaL2/(TMath::Sqrt(2) - 1)+ deltaL3/(TMath::Sqrt(2) - 1) + deltaL4/(TMath::Sqrt(2) - 1) )/4. << " mcm" << endl; //dead layer width
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