Documenting #475
MWPC thickness determination
Status: | Открыта | Start date: | 08/14/2020 | |
Priority: | Нормальный | Due date: | ||
Assignee: | Ivan Muzalevsky | % Done: | 0% | |
Category: | - | |||
Target version: | - |
According to,
from 25.01.2020 17:48:09 to 25.01.2020 18:11:00 , extra MWPC plane was installed in the F4 plane ( 4758 mm from the F5 plane).
In compare with the experimental data (e.g. run40-43), one should extimate the MWPC thickness in Si equivalent.
Compare the obtained value with one, determined in Lise++.
Provide all used macroses and Lise scripts.
#1 Updated by Ivan Muzalevsky over 4 years ago
- File setupEXP2001.xml
- File digibuilder.C
- File beamCut.C
- File convert.C
- File selection.C
Used data:
data_nas/exp202001/data/run4* - experimental data
data_nas/exp202001/data/clb/crun09_0001.lmd - data with extra MWPC plane install in the F4 plane
The collected data was converted into .root with setupEXP2001.xml file.
The obtained raw data was digibuilder with digibuilder.C macro. In which the following cuts were used:
dE-ToF graphical cut, provided in beamCut.C
all MWPC planes were fired,
all TOF PMTs were fired
mwpc time (tMWPC) with respect to time in F5 (tF5) was in the following range 55ns
With the macro convert.C the digi data was read, and events with cluster multipilicity==1 in all MWPC planes were selected.
The macro selection.C reconstructed the beam in the the central target plane, and ToF plane ( energy before F5)
All tof spectra analyzing methods are in the in the processData.C macro
Beam PID plot ¶
left figure - MWPC measurement data
right figure - experimental data
#2 Updated by Ivan Muzalevsky over 4 years ago
- File processData.C
- File processData.h
#3 Updated by Ivan Muzalevsky over 4 years ago
TOF and beam energy¶
Top row: TOF, ns
Bottom row: beam energy reconstructed in ToF plane (before F5), MeV
Left coloumn: MWPC measurement data
Right coloumn: experimental data
#4 Updated by Ivan Muzalevsky over 4 years ago
Left coloumn: MWPC measurement data
Right coloumn: experimental data
The ToF distribution for different data is presented in the TOP row. The raw histograms were smoothed (4 iterations). In the most right figure (red and blue graphs), one can see the shift of the ToF.
As long as the lower energy beam particles loose more energy in the installed MWPC and moreover, amount of low-energy 9Li particls (with bigger ToF) prevails, it was decided to compare the low-energy 9Li's. These low energy are located in the right slopes of the ToF distributions.
The problem was how to properly compare the right low-energy slopes of the ToF distributions. The second row illustrates different methods of time-shift calculation.
Time of the Red and green points was obtain by analysing the distribution slopes by the Constant Franction Discriminator method. Its realization is shown in the 2 bottom rows. The raw graph was summed with the negative one, amplified by 0.5 and shifted by 1.5 ns to the right / 0.5 ns to the left. The times with the zero value in the obtained graphs are Times of the Red and green points.The values of the shift (1.5 and 0.5 ns) are the halfs of the slopes range (left and right).
Purple points - the inflection points of the right slopes. (maximum of the first derivative)
Red lines in the second row - lines at the 50% of the maximum amplitude value
The time differenct of:
green points 0.535 ns
purple points 0.535 ns
red points 0.385 ns ( this value is less informative as it was obtained from the high energy 9Li, which has low statistics. for this region ToF graph has much more fluctuations)
#5 Updated by Ivan Muzalevsky over 4 years ago
Whole low-energy slopes compare¶
Another method allows to compare the whole low-energy slopes with each other.
For this purpose, both graphs was rescaled to the maxumim value of the experimental graph
As one can see, that on the distribution from experiment, the right slope is more steep.
In order to make right slopes of both graphs more similar, the experimental graph was amplified by 0.9
Then, the time shift was chosen so, that the low-energy slopes cross in their middle (half length or at points with half-maximum values)
The time-shift was 0.55 ns in this method
#6 Updated by Ivan Muzalevsky over 4 years ago
The 270 MeV 9Li beam was delayed by 0.55 ns, by placing some passive volume in 4758 to F5 plane.
That means that, the energy loss was ~4.8 MeV, which means that the thickness of the MWPC in Si equivalent is 150 micron.