Developing #470

Analyzing #436: Reference reaction: Data analysis

Analyzing #459: Beam of 10Be

Target position estimation

Added by Ivan Muzalevsky over 4 years ago. Updated over 4 years ago.

Status:ОткрытаStart date:07/23/2020
Priority:НормальныйDue date:
Assignee:Ivan Muzalevsky% Done:


Target version:-


Based on the beam profile distributions at the target plane, correspoded to different triggers, obtain the target shifts in the XY plane. 

targetPosition.c Magnifier - realization of the described algorithm (3.61 KB) Ivan Muzalevsky, 07/23/2020 09:38 AM


#1 Updated by Ivan Muzalevsky over 4 years ago

From the data with equalized silicon triggers, the beam profile for different silicon triggers (2-5) was obtained ( see the following figure). One should obtain the target frame borders. For this purpose, the following distributions were fit by the xygaus fucntion in the region, corresponded to the nearby target frame border. The mensioned fits are shown and colored in red.

The obtained X and Y means (in mm) of the fit functions turned out:
-10.34 0.19
-0.22 -11.08
11.24 -0.97
0.96 11.13

These values were used as input coordinates for the circle fit. The fit fucntion was a circle equation with 3 parameters: XY center corrdinates and radius. The rezlization of the fit is presented in the following fig:

Based on the fit result, it was found that according to the used method, the target Xshift was 0.47 mm and Yshift 0.
Also as the fit result, the radius turned out 11 mm, which is close to the real value (12.5 mm) which makes the results more plausible

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