Documenting #403

Root Phase Space generator test for binary reaction

Added by Sergey Belogurov over 5 years ago. Updated about 5 years ago.

Status:ОткрытаStart date:11/22/2019
Priority:НормальныйDue date:
Assignee:Ilyas Satyshev% Done:


Target version:-


Run  TGenPhaseSpace for the reaction  d+He8 -> H7+He3  1) with the projectile energy in the Lab ref. frame of 400 MeV per nucleon 

   Draw distributions of the He3 momentum absolue value, theta ,  Cos(theata),  phi and corellations of the values  

2) Boost the reaction to the CM ref. frame and run the TGenPhaseSpace there. Draw the same distribution as above but in CM.  Cos(theta) and phi distributions should be uniform, absolute value of the momentum should be peak-like, no corellations should be observed in CM.

3) boost the results of 2) to the Lab ref frame and compare with the results of 1)  they should be the same. 


Attach to the issue the macros and the pictures.

1thetaLab.png - thetaLab distribution for 3He (18.8 KB) Ilyas Satyshev, 12/03/2019 11:06 AM

1phi.png - phiLab distribution for 3He (17.9 KB) Ilyas Satyshev, 12/03/2019 11:06 AM

1P.png - distributions of the He3 momentum absolue value (20.2 KB) Ilyas Satyshev, 12/03/2019 11:06 AM

1cos_thetaLab.png - distributions of the He3 cos(thetaLab) (21.1 KB) Ilyas Satyshev, 12/03/2019 11:14 AM

1P_phiLab.png - P vs. phiLab (22.2 KB) Ilyas Satyshev, 12/03/2019 11:15 AM

1P_cos_thetaLab.png - P vs. cos(thetaLab) (21.5 KB) Ilyas Satyshev, 12/03/2019 11:15 AM

1P_theta.png - P vs. thetaLab (19.1 KB) Ilyas Satyshev, 12/03/2019 11:15 AM

1thetaLab_phiLab.png - thetaLab vs. phiLab (21.9 KB) Ilyas Satyshev, 12/03/2019 11:17 AM

2thetaCMVsphiCM.png (26.2 KB) Ilyas Satyshev, 12/03/2019 02:47 PM

2thetaCM.png - Di (21.3 KB) Ilyas Satyshev, 12/03/2019 02:47 PM

2phiCM.png (16.6 KB) Ilyas Satyshev, 12/03/2019 02:47 PM

2PCMVsthetaCM.png (22 KB) Ilyas Satyshev, 12/03/2019 02:47 PM

2PCMVsphiCM.png (19.7 KB) Ilyas Satyshev, 12/03/2019 02:47 PM

2PCMVscos_thetaCM.png (19.4 KB) Ilyas Satyshev, 12/03/2019 02:47 PM

2PCM.png - Distribution of the Absolute momentum in CM ref. frame (19.7 KB) Ilyas Satyshev, 12/03/2019 02:47 PM

2cos_thetaCM.png (17.2 KB) Ilyas Satyshev, 12/03/2019 02:47 PM

3thetaLabVsphiLab.png (21.8 KB) Ilyas Satyshev, 12/03/2019 03:05 PM

3PVsthetaLab.png (18.4 KB) Ilyas Satyshev, 12/03/2019 03:05 PM

3PVsphiLab.png (21.8 KB) Ilyas Satyshev, 12/03/2019 03:05 PM

3PVscos_thetaLab.png (18 KB) Ilyas Satyshev, 12/03/2019 03:05 PM

3thetaLab.png (19.1 KB) Ilyas Satyshev, 12/03/2019 03:05 PM

3PLab.png (20.1 KB) Ilyas Satyshev, 12/03/2019 03:05 PM

3phiLab.png (16.3 KB) Ilyas Satyshev, 12/03/2019 03:05 PM

3cos_thetaLab.png (21 KB) Ilyas Satyshev, 12/03/2019 03:05 PM

kinEnergy.png - Kinetic energy distribution for 3He (17.3 KB) Ilyas Satyshev, 12/10/2019 11:10 AM

energy.png - Full energy distribution for 3He (16.5 KB) Ilyas Satyshev, 12/10/2019 11:10 AM


#1 Updated by Sergey Belogurov over 5 years ago

  • Assignee set to Ilyas Satyshev

#2 Updated by Sergey Belogurov over 5 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)

#3 Updated by Ilyas Satyshev about 5 years ago

1) In this case, we used TGenPhaseSpace classically. Distributions were got.

#4 Updated by Ilyas Satyshev about 5 years ago

2) The reaction was Boosted to the CM ref. frame and the TGenPhaseSpace is run there. cos(thetaCM) and phiCM distributions are uniformly as we were waiting. The absolute value of the momentum is peak-like. The correlations question needs to be discussed.

#5 Updated by Ilyas Satyshev about 5 years ago

3) The results from the previous case were boosted from CM to Lab ref. frame and distributions and correlations for all of them are presented in the corresponding pictures.

#6 Updated by Ilyas Satyshev about 5 years ago

4. Classically use of the TGenPhaseSpace class gives uniform distribution for the 3He energy. Pictures energy.png and kinEnergy.png show corresponding distributions.

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