Developing #216
Event selection for run14
Status: | Открыта | Start date: | 07/19/2018 | |
Priority: | Высокий | Due date: | ||
Assignee: | Ivan Muzalevsky | % Done: | 0% | |
Category: | Software | |||
Target version: | - |
Create the macro for converting data from run14 into calibrated (MeV and ns) with using several event selections:
1) dE-ToF: tF5-tF3 and F3+F5
2) times tF3 and tF5 in the same event should be roughly the same (about 20 channels max difference)
3)tSQX_R[i]-tF5[] in reasonable borders (same for tSQY_R[i]-tF5[] )
4)tCsI_R-tF5[] in reasonable borders
5) threshold for SQX_R,SQY_L (about 2MeV as far as minumum Edep of 3H in 1mm Si det is about 2.7 MeV)
6) get rid of CsI cross talks by selecting amplitudes with max value
7) select events with multiplicity=1 in MWPC1,MWPC2, SQX_R,SQY_R, CsI_R
7)create graphical cuts for pictures:
- SQX_R:tSQX_R-tF5
- SQY_R:tSQY_R-tF5
- CsI_R:tCsI_R-tF5
#1 Updated by Bogumił Zalewski over 6 years ago
Please take into consideration, that one can get correct tracking for higher multiplicities in MWPC. Maybe change multilipcity for cluster multiplicity for clarification?
#2 Updated by Ivan Muzalevsky over 6 years ago
- Description updated (diff)
#3 Updated by Ivan Muzalevsky over 6 years ago
raw data: /analysis_nas/exp201804/rootfiles/h5_14_*
Data from MWPC,ToF, right telescope where processed
Several cuts where usedSeveral cuts for events where used:
TOF detector
time difference between diffrerent modules F3, F5 less than 20 channels. (F3[i]-F3[j]
ToF is in borders between 100 and 200 ns
multiplicity in X1,Y1,X2,Y2 = 1
multiplicity in X and Y strips=1. Multiplicity = number of signals with amplitude higher than 1.5 MeV in 1 event.
For all strips time selection where used:
For X strips [0-15] (LED-CFD)

For X strips[16-31](CFD-CFD)
According to issue 215 only signals with maximum amplitude in one event where taked into accout in the CsI detector. Also similar time selection where used for such signals:
on this picture u can see time selection (red) for crystals 4-7.
After such selection de-E identification plots where obtained.
X axis: signals in chosen CsI, Y axis: signals in all SQX strips.
Selection: Amp in SQX>1 MeV, Amp in CsI>300 channels (any number!=0 will be the same)
trigger=3 (from left telescope)
We can find 3 bananas for H, banana for 4He, area for 6He
#4 Updated by Ivan Muzalevsky over 6 years ago
- Description updated (diff)
#5 Updated by Ivan Muzalevsky over 6 years ago
- File drawCuts.C
- File fillChain.C
I tried to make good selection for h5_14. With this selection i obtained 0 coincidences of signals in left telescope with tritium detection in right one.
Theoretical prediction was so that i should find about 30 events of 3he-3h coincidences in the case if we have CD3 target.