//226Ra //relative units are normalized to 1 4 noPeaks //number of peaks// число пиков, по которым происходит калибровка 4.751 E1 //in MeV including dead layer of alpha source//энергии альфа источника 5.459 E2 //in MeV// 5.972 E3 //in MeV// 7.661 E4 //in MeV// 2.3 deadLayer 0 lowersubaddress 15 uppersubaddress ANS block AnalysisxTree treename 400 lowerChannel //in channels//каналы, 2000 upperChannel //in channels//каналы 0.5 lowerPeakHight //in relative units; minimal range of the peak// 0.5 upperPeakHight //in relative units; minimal range of the peak// 0.1 peakPositionTolerance //in relative units; for check of the peaks positions in channels// 2 fitFunctionLineWidth //integer 1 - 10; graphics// 20 minFitSigma //minimal sigma of the peaks to be fitted// 0.3 fitHightThreshold //in relative units; the minimal height of the treated peak//