////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // AculCalibration // // // // //Some description of this very useful class, //its properties and a short example how to //use it. This text may be partly used in //PhD thesis. // //Description of the detector itself. // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "AculCalibration.h" ClassImp(AculCalibration); AculCalibration::AculCalibration() : fEnergy(0), fEnergyInput(0), fA(0), fB(0), fPeak(0) { //default constructor fCurrentHStack = NULL; fCurrentHistList.IsOwner(); // todo: change size of fA and fB in some other place fA.Set(32); fB.Set(32); // fEnergy.Set(4); // fEnergyInput.Set(4); kRaNOPEAKS = 0; fLowerPeakRelativeHight = 0.; fUpperPeakRelativeHight = 0.; fPeakPositionTolerance = 0.; fFitFuncLineWidth = 1; fFitMinSigma = 0.; fFitPeakThreshold = 0.; fDeadLayer = 0.; /*for(Int_t i = 0; i < DEFAULTNOPEAKS; i++) { // fEnergy[i] = 0.; // fEnergyInput[i] = 0.; // fPeak[i] = 0.; }*/ fCalInformation = 0; Reset(); } AculCalibration::AculCalibration(const char* calfile) : fEnergy(0), fEnergyInput(0), fPeak(0) { //constructor which fills fAOld, fBOld, fC, fD from file parfile fCurrentHStack = NULL; fCurrentHistList.IsOwner(); kRaNOPEAKS = 0; fLowerPeakRelativeHight = 0.; fUpperPeakRelativeHight = 0.; fPeakPositionTolerance = 0.; fFitFuncLineWidth = 1; fFitMinSigma = 0.; fFitPeakThreshold = 0.; /*for(Int_t i = 0; i < DEFAULTNOPEAKS; i++) { // fEnergy[i] = 0.; // fEnergyInput[i] = 0.; // fPeak[i] = 0.; }*/ fCalInformation = 0; SetCalibrationParameters(calfile); } void AculCalibration::Reset() { for (Int_t j = 0; j < fA.GetSize(); j++) { fA[j] = 0; fB[j] = 0; } return; } AculCalibration::~AculCalibration() { DeleteStacks(); // delete fCalInformation; // fCalInformation->Close(); } void AculCalibration::Init() { SetELosses(); SetInputParameters(); SetCalEnergies(); } Int_t AculCalibration::SearchPeaks(const TH1 *hin, Double_t sigma, Option_t *option, const Int_t searchedpeaks) { //Function searching peaks in inputed TH1 spectrum and selects the peaks in the histogram. // // hin: // sigma: // option: // threshold: // searchedpeaks: TSpectrum sc; //by default for 100 peaks Int_t nopeaks = sc.Search(hin, sigma, "goff", fFitPeakThreshold); TString opt = option; opt.ToLower(); const Double_t tStep = 0.05; while ( nopeaks > searchedpeaks && fFitPeakThreshold <= 1) { fFitPeakThreshold = fFitPeakThreshold + tStep; nopeaks = sc.Search(hin, sigma, "goff", fFitPeakThreshold); } if (!nopeaks) { return 0; } if (opt.Contains("goff")) { return nopeaks; } TPolyMarker *pm = (TPolyMarker*)hin->GetListOfFunctions()->FindObject("TPolyMarker"); if (pm) { hin->GetListOfFunctions()->Remove(pm); delete pm; } pm = new TPolyMarker(nopeaks, sc.GetPositionX(), sc.GetPositionY()); hin->GetListOfFunctions()->Add(pm); pm->SetMarkerStyle(23); pm->SetMarkerColor(kRed); pm->SetMarkerSize(1.3); return nopeaks; } Int_t AculCalibration::PeaksFitting(TH1* hSpectrum, Option_t* option, Double_t sigmamin) { if (!hSpectrum) return 1; Int_t dimension = hSpectrum->GetDimension(); if (dimension > 1) { Error("PeaksFitting", "Only implemented for 1-d histograms"); return 1; } TString opt = option; opt.ToLower(); if (!kRaNOPEAKS) { Error("PeaksFitting", "kRaNOPEAKS is set to zero; calibration spectrum must be set"); return 1; } const Int_t peaksNumber = SearchPeaks(hSpectrum, sigmamin, "", kRaNOPEAKS); if (peaksNumber != kRaNOPEAKS) { Info("PeaksFitting", "In histogram %s was found %d peaks", hSpectrum->GetName(), peaksNumber); return 1; } //should be optional output Info("PeaksFitting", "Number of peaks in %s: %d", hSpectrum->GetName(), peaksNumber); //working array for peaks, there are founded in accidental order Double_t peak[peaksNumber]; Double_t *peakPosition; Double_t *peakHight; TList *functions = hSpectrum->GetListOfFunctions(); TPolyMarker *pm = (TPolyMarker*)functions->FindObject("TPolyMarker"); peakPosition = pm->GetX(); peakHight = pm->GetY(); for (Int_t i = 0; i < peaksNumber; i++) { Double_t fitMin = 0; Double_t fitMax = 0; Double_t fitStep = hSpectrum->GetXaxis()->GetBinWidth(0); // cout << fitStep << endl; // cout << fLowerPeakRelativeHight << "\t" << fUpperPeakRelativeHight << endl; //fitting range: //shift a range of fit and search for raw boarder of peak determined by fUpperPeakRelativeHight //maximum Int_t j = 0; Double_t currentHight = peakHight[i]; while ( currentHight > (peakHight[i]*fUpperPeakRelativeHight) ) { j++; fitMax = static_cast(peakPosition[i]) + j*fitStep; currentHight = hSpectrum->GetBinContent(hSpectrum->GetXaxis()->FindBin(fitMax)); } //minimum j = 0; currentHight = peakHight[i]; while ( currentHight > (peakHight[i]*fLowerPeakRelativeHight) ) { j++; fitMin = static_cast(peakPosition[i]) - j*fitStep; currentHight = hSpectrum->GetBinContent(hSpectrum->GetXaxis()->FindBin(fitMin)); } //fitting if (opt.Contains("gp")) { Info("PeaksFitting", "Option containing gp"); char fncname[20]; sprintf(fncname, "gaus_aux_%d", i); TF1 *gausAux = new TF1(fncname, "gaus", fitMin - 10, fitMax + 10); //pomocny gaus hSpectrum->Fit(fncname, "0 Q", "", fitMin - 15, fitMax + 15); //prvotni fitovani sprintf(fncname, "auto_gp_%d", i); TF1 *fitAuto = new TF1(fncname, "gaus(0) + pol0(3)", fitMin - 15, fitMax + 15); //fce pro automaticke fitovani fitAuto->SetParameter(0, gausAux->GetParameter(0)); //nastavovani parametru fitovaci fce fitAuto->SetParameter(1, gausAux->GetParameter(1)); fitAuto->SetParameter(2, gausAux->GetParameter(2)); hSpectrum->Fit(fncname, "0 R Q +", "", fitMin - 15, fitMax + 15); //dodelat zapis vsech fci hSpectrum->GetFunction(fncname)->ResetBit(TF1::kNotDraw); peak[i] = fitAuto->GetParameter(1); //zapis asi pozice v kanalech do pomocneho pole if (opt.Contains("V")) { Info("PeaksFitting", "Peak position is\t %4.2f \tresolution is \t %2.1f %%", fitAuto->GetParameter(1), 235*(fitAuto->GetParameter(2))/(fitAuto->GetParameter(1))); } } else { char fncname[20]; sprintf(fncname, "auto_g%d", i); TF1 *fitAuto = new TF1(fncname, "gaus", fitMin, fitMax); //fce pro automaticke fitovani // cout << fitMin << "\t" << fitMax << endl; // fitAuto->SetParameter(2, fitMax-fitMin); fitAuto->SetLineWidth(fFitFuncLineWidth); hSpectrum->Fit(fncname, "+ 0 R Q", ""/*, fitMin - 1, fitMax + 1*/); // hSpectrum->GetFunction(fncname)->ResetBit(TF1::kNotDraw); hSpectrum->GetFunction(fncname)->InvertBit(TF1::kNotDraw); peak[i] = fitAuto->GetParameter(1); //zapis asi pozice v kanalech do pomocneho pole if (opt.Contains("v")) { Info("PeaksFitting", "Peak position is\t%4.2f\tresolution is \t%2.1f %%", fitAuto->GetParameter(1), 235*(fitAuto->GetParameter(2))/(fitAuto->GetParameter(1))); } }//else //end of fitting }//for over all analyzed peaks //peaks sorting Int_t j[peaksNumber]; TMath::Sort(peaksNumber, peak, j, kFALSE); fPeak.Set(peaksNumber); for (Int_t i = 0; i < peaksNumber; i++) { fPeak[i] = peak[j[i]]; //printf("\tPeak peak\t%f\n", fPeak[i]); } if (!opt.Contains("q") || opt.Contains("v")) { Info("PeaksFitting", "Control output:"); for (Int_t i = 0; i < peaksNumber; i++) { printf("\tPeak position is\t%f\n", fPeak[i]); } } // provest kontrolu pomerne polohy piku, // jestli jsou spatne, provest urcita opatreni, // napr. zapis daneho histogramu do souboru, // zapis do souboru s chybama, vypis na obrazovku, ... for (Int_t i = 0; i < peaksNumber; i++) { if ( !( (((1-fPeakPositionTolerance)*(fEnergy[0]/fEnergy[i])) < (fPeak[0]/fPeak[i])) && (((1+fPeakPositionTolerance)*(fEnergy[0]/fEnergy[i])) > (fPeak[0]/fPeak[i])) ) ) { //printf("\tPeaksFitt fEnergy\t%f\n", fEnergy[i]); if (fCalInformation /* && opt.Contains("writebad")*/) { fCalInformation->cd(); hSpectrum->Write(); } //return 2;*/ } }//for return 0; } //Bool_t AculCalibration::EnergyPositions(const char* inputfile, const char* block, // const Int_t address, const char* treename, Int_t lowerchannel, // Int_t upperchannel, Int_t lowersubaddress, Int_t uppersubaddress) //{ // TString iFile = inputfile; // TFile fr(iFile.Data()); // // // // return 1; //} void AculCalibration::SetParFileName(const char *parfile) { fParFileName = parfile; } void AculCalibration::SetELosses() { Info("AculCalibration::SetELosses", "Combination of aplha particle with silicon material only."); fAlphaSi.SetEL(1, 2.321); // density in g/cm3 fAlphaSi.AddEL(14., 28.086, 1); //Z, mass // mSi.SetZP(1., 1.); //protons fAlphaSi.SetZP(2., 4.); //alphas, Z, A fAlphaSi.SetEtab(100000, 200.); // ?, MeV calculate ranges fAlphaSi.SetDeltaEtab(300); } void AculCalibration::SetCalEnergies() { if (fDeadLayer<=0.) { Warning("AculCalibration::SetCalEnergies", "Dead layer was set equal or less than 0."); for(Int_t i = 0; i < kRaNOPEAKS; i++) { fEnergy[i] = fEnergyInput[i]; } Info("AculCalibration::SetCalEnergies", "Energies used for calibration are the same as input file."); return; } for(Int_t i = 0; i < kRaNOPEAKS; i++) { fEnergy[i] = fAlphaSi.GetE(fEnergyInput[i], fDeadLayer); } Info("AculCalibration::SetCalEnergies", "Energies used for calibration considering %f mcm dead layer were set.", fDeadLayer); return; } void AculCalibration::PrintInputParameters() { //print alpha source parameters cout << "AculCalibration::PrintInputParameters:" << endl; cout << "\tNumber of peaks: " << kRaNOPEAKS << endl; for (Int_t i = 0; i < kRaNOPEAKS; i++) { cout << "\t\tfEnergyInput[" << i << "] = " << fEnergyInput[i] << endl; } cout << "\tEnergies used for calibration:" << endl; cout << "\t(deadLayer: " << fDeadLayer << " mcm)" << endl; // Info("AculCalibration::PrintInputParameters", "Number of peaks: %d", kRaNOPEAKS); for (Int_t i = 0; i < kRaNOPEAKS; i++) { cout << "\t\tfEnergy[" << i << "] = " << fEnergy[i] << endl; } cout << "\tlowerChannel: " << fLowerChannel << "; upperChannel: " << fUpperChannel << ";" << endl; cout << "\tlowerPeakHight: " << fLowerPeakRelativeHight << "; upperPeakHight: " << fUpperPeakRelativeHight << ";" << endl; cout << "\tfitHightThreshold: " << fFitPeakThreshold << "; minFitSigma: " << fFitMinSigma << ";" << endl; cout << "\tpeakPositionTolerance: " << fPeakPositionTolerance << ";" << endl; cout << "\tfitFunctionLineWidth: " << fFitFuncLineWidth << ";" << endl; return; } Double_t AculCalibration::GetA(Int_t i) { if (i >= fA.GetSize()) //if i >= number of array element { return 0.; } return fA[i]; } Double_t AculCalibration::GetB(Int_t i) { if (i >= fB.GetSize()) { return 0.; } return fB[i]; } Bool_t AculCalibration::SetCalibrationParameters(const char* calparfile) { const Int_t lineLength = 200; char line[lineLength]; // Int_t crate; char crate[100]; // Int_t i, j; Int_t j; char cA[40], cB[40], cC[40], cD[40]; //open file with calibration parameters std::ifstream calFileR; calFileR.open(calparfile); if( !calFileR.is_open() ) { Error("SetCalibrationParameters", "File %s with calibration data was not opened", calparfile); return kFALSE; } Reset(); //read calibration parameters from file while (!calFileR.eof()) { calFileR.getline(line, lineLength); if ( line[0] != '*' && line[0] != '#' && line[0] != '%' && (line[0] != '/' && line[1] != '/') ) { //possible comment characters sscanf(line, "%s %d %s %s %s %s", crate, /*&i*,*/ &j, cA, cB, cC, cD); // fA[j] = atof(cA); fB[j] = atof(cB); // fC[0][j] = atof(cC); // fD[0][j] = atof(cD); } } calFileR.close(); return kTRUE; } void AculCalibration::PrintCalibrationParameters() { for (Int_t j = 0; j < ADDRESSNUMBER; j++) { cout << "C3[" << j << "]" << setw(10) << fA[j] << setw(10) << fB[j] /*<< setw(10) << fC[j] << setw(10) << fD[j]*/ << endl; } } void AculCalibration::ShowRawSpectra(const char* filename, const Int_t block, TCanvas* rawCanvas, Int_t xaxismin, Int_t xaxismax, /*TObjArray* histList,*/ const Int_t subaddress) { //Displays the spectrum from a file, divides the canvas into a sufficient number of pads and displays spectrums of each //block subaddress on the suitable pads. // // filename: input .root file containing spectra to be showed // block: block which will be drawn // rawCanvas: canvas on which one you will see the spectrum // xaxismin: minimal channel, which will be displayed // xaxismax: maximal channel, which will be displayed // subaddress: TString address; TString histName; TString command; TString condition; if (!rawCanvas) { //rawCanvas = new TCanvas("RawSpectra", "Raw spectra in channels", 1); cout << "You have to assign TCanvas for raw spectra drawing" << endl; return; } rawCanvas->Clear(); rawCanvas->SetFillColor(10); TFile *fr = new TFile(filename); if (fr->IsOpen() == 0) { cout << endl << "File " << filename << " was not opened and won't be processed" << endl << endl; return; } TH1I *hRead = 0; TTree *tr = (TTree*)fr->Get("RAW"); if (subaddress > 15) { rawCanvas->Divide(4, 4); rawCanvas->SetFillColor(10); for (Int_t i = 0; i < 16; i++) { cout << i << endl; rawCanvas->cd(i+1); hRead = new TH1I("name", "title", 4096, 0, 4095); address.Form("C3[%d][%d]", block, i); histName.Form("H3[%d][%d]", block, i); hRead->SetName(histName); command.Form("%s >> %s", address.Data(), hRead->GetName()); // sprintf(fillCondition, "%s > 0", address); condition.Form("%s > 0", address.Data()); tr->Draw(command, condition, ""); if (hRead) { hRead->SetDirectory(0); // cout << hRead->GetEntries() << endl; // if (fHRawList) { // fHRawList->Add(hRead); fHRawList.Add(hRead); // } hRead->SetAxisRange(xaxismin, xaxismax); } }//for } else { fr->cd(); hRead = new TH1I("name", "title", 4096, 0, 4095); address.Form("C3[%d][%d]", block, subaddress); histName.Form("H3[%d][%d]", block, subaddress); hRead->SetName(histName); command.Form("%s >> %s", address.Data(), hRead->GetName()); // sprintf(fillCondition, "%s > 0", address); condition.Form("%s > 0", address.Data()); // cout << fillCommand << setw(20) << fillCondition << endl; tr->Draw(command, condition, "goff"); if (hRead) { hRead->SetDirectory(0); // if (fHRawList) { // fHRawList->Add(hRead); // } fHRawList.Add(hRead); hRead->Draw(); hRead->SetAxisRange(xaxismin, xaxismax); } }//else fr->Close(); rawCanvas->Update(); return; } void AculCalibration::ShowSpectra(const char* filename, TCanvas* rawCanvas, Option_t *option, Int_t xaxismin, Int_t xaxismax, const Int_t subaddress) { //filename: input .root file with saved filled histograms to be showed //rawCanvas: canvas on which one you will see the spectrum //option: THStack options //xaxismin: Minimum channel, which will be displayed //xaxismax: Maximum channel, which will be displayed //subaddress: TString opt = option; opt.ToLower(); if (!rawCanvas) { Error("ShowRawSpectra", "You have to assign TCanvas for raw spectra drawing"); return; } rawCanvas->Clear(); TFile fr(filename); if (fr.IsOpen() == 0) { Error("ShowRawSpectra", "File %s was not opened and won't be processed", filename); return; } TList *histList; histList = fr.GetListOfKeys(); Int_t listEntries = histList->GetEntries(); TH1 *hDraw = 0; DeleteStacks(); if (subaddress >= listEntries) { fCurrentHStack = new THStack(); for (Int_t i = 0; i < listEntries; i++) { //zkontrolovat hranice Info("ShowRawSpectra", "Histogram with spectrum of subaddress %d is loading", i); fr.GetObject(histList->At(i)->GetName(), hDraw); if (hDraw) { hDraw->SetDirectory(0); fCurrentHistList.Add(hDraw); fCurrentHStack->Add(hDraw); } }//for if ( !fCurrentHStack->GetHists()->IsEmpty() ) { Info("ShowRawSpectra", "Histogram stack drawing"); fCurrentHStack->Draw(opt.Data()); } }//if all subaddresses else { //zkontrolovat fr.GetObject(histList->At(subaddress)->GetName(), hDraw); if (hDraw) { hDraw->SetAxisRange(xaxismin, xaxismax, "X"); hDraw->Draw(); hDraw->SetDirectory(0); fCurrentHistList.Add(hDraw); } }//else fr.Close(); rawCanvas->Update(); return; } void AculCalibration::FillRawSpectraFile(const char* rawdatafile, const char* block, const char* treename, TCanvas* rawCanvas, Option_t *option, Int_t xaxismin, Int_t xaxismax) { //filename: input .root file containing spectra to be showed //block: //rawCanvas: //xaxismin: //xaxismax: //variables to be became function parameter TString opt(option); opt.ToLower(); if (!rawCanvas) { Error("ShowRawSpectra", "You have to assign TCanvas for raw spectra drawing"); return; } rawCanvas->Clear(); TFile fr(rawdatafile); if (fr.IsOpen() == 0) { Error("ShowRawSpectra", "File %s was not opened and won't be processed", rawdatafile); return; } TTree *tr = (TTree*)fr.Get(treename); char outputfile[300]; sprintf(outputfile, "%s[]Raw.root", block); TFile fw(outputfile, opt.Data()); if (fw.IsOpen() == 0) { Error("CalculateCalibParameters", "Output file %s was not created.", outputfile); return; } if (fw.IsWritable() == 0) { Error("CalculateCalibParameters", "Output file %s is not writable. Set option to \"RECREATE\".", outputfile); return; } // char address[40]; // char histName[40]; // char histTitle[40]; // char fillCommand[40]; // char fillCondition[40]; TString address; TString histName; TString histTitle; TString command; TString condition; fw.cd(); TH1I *hRead = 0; for (Int_t i = 0; i < 16; i++) { //zkontrolovat hranice cout << i << endl; //predelat na info hRead = new TH1I("name", "title", 4096, 0, 4095); address.Form("%s[%d]", block, i); histName.Form("%s[%d]", block, i); histTitle.Form("%s : %s", rawdatafile, histName.Data()); hRead->SetName(histName); hRead->SetTitle(histTitle); // sprintf(fillCommand, "%s >> %s", address, hRead->GetName()); command.Form("%s >> %s", address.Data(), hRead->GetName()); // sprintf(fillCondition, "%s > 0", address); condition.Form("%s > 0", address.Data()); tr->Draw(command, condition, "goff"); //prozkoumat goff hRead->Write(); }//for fw.Close(); fr.cd(); delete tr; fr.Close(); rawCanvas->Update(); return; } Bool_t AculCalibration::CalculateCalibParameters(const char* inputfile, const char* block, /*const Int_t address,*/ const char* treename, Int_t lowerchannel, Int_t upperchannel, Int_t nEBins, Int_t lowersubaddress, Int_t uppersubaddress) { if (kRaNOPEAKS == 0) { Error("CalculateCalibParameters", "Alpha source parameters was not read"); return 0; } //muzu nechat if ( (uppersubaddress - lowersubaddress) >= ADDRESSNUMBER ) { Error("CalculateCalibParameters", "Possible subaddress values have to be in range 0 - %d", ADDRESSNUMBER - 1); return 0; } //auxiliary variables, particularly for text parameter fields TString oFileName; //creation of the output text file if ( (lowersubaddress == 0) && (uppersubaddress == ADDRESSNUMBER-1) ) { oFileName.Form("%s[].cal", block); } else { if (lowersubaddress == uppersubaddress) { oFileName.Form("%s[%d].cal", block, lowersubaddress); } else { oFileName.Form("%s[%d-%d].cal", block, lowersubaddress, uppersubaddress); } }//if std::ofstream outcalfile; outcalfile.open(oFileName.Data()); if (!outcalfile.is_open()) { Error("CalculateCalibParameters", "Output file %s was not opened", oFileName.Data()); return 0; }//if //creation of the output root file if ( (lowersubaddress == 0) && (uppersubaddress == ADDRESSNUMBER-1) ) { oFileName.Form("%s[].root", block); } else { if (lowersubaddress == uppersubaddress) { oFileName.Form("%s[%d].root", block, lowersubaddress); } else { oFileName.Form("%s[%d-%d].root", block, lowersubaddress, uppersubaddress); } } fCalInformation = new TFile(oFileName.Data(), "RECREATE"); if ( !fCalInformation->IsOpen() ) { Error("CalculateCalibParameters", "File %s was not opened and won't be processed", oFileName.Data()); return 0; } //input file with raw data opening TString iFileName = inputfile; TFile *fr = new TFile(iFileName.Data()); if ( !fr->IsOpen() ) { Error("CalculateCalibParameters", "File %s was not opened and won't be processed", iFileName.Data()); return 0; } TTree *tr = (TTree*)fr->Get(treename); if (!tr) { Error("CalculateCalibParameters", "Tree %s was not found in file %s", treename, iFileName.Data()); return 0; } //promenne potrebne pro fitovani: presunout nize //pohlidat delete TF1 *calFunction = new TF1("calib", "pol1", 0, 1000); //predelat jako lokalni promennou fce (nebo snad tridy?) TGraph *calGraph = new TGraph(kRaNOPEAKS, fPeak.GetArray(), fEnergy.GetArray()); //lokalni promenna, dohodit pocet vstupu pomoci parametru TString detectorChannel; TString histName; TString histTitle; TString fillCommand; TString fillCondition; Int_t fitControl = 0; //predelat nazvy histogramu //zrusit cyklus, napsat jako fci //raw data histogram filling TH1I *hRaw = 0; TH1F *hEnergy = 0; TRandom3 ranGen(1); //outputfile with calibrated spectra if ( (lowersubaddress == 0) && (uppersubaddress == ADDRESSNUMBER-1) ) { oFileName.Form("%s[]E.root", block); } else { if (lowersubaddress == uppersubaddress) { oFileName.Form("%s[%d]E.root", block, lowersubaddress); } else { oFileName.Form("%s[%d-%d]E.root", block, lowersubaddress, uppersubaddress); } } TFile *fw = new TFile(oFileName.Data(), "RECREATE"); if (fw->IsOpen() == 0) { Error("CalculateCalibParameters", "File %s was not created and won't be processed\n\n", oFileName.Data()); return 1; } for (Int_t i = lowersubaddress; i <= uppersubaddress; i++) { printf("\n\n"); Info("CalculateCalibParameters", "Calculating calibration parameters for detector channel %s[%d].", block, i); //TH1I object preparing hRaw = new TH1I("name", "title", 4096, 0, 4095); //nastavovat hranice histogramu podle parametru fce detectorChannel.Form("%s[%d]", block, i); histName.Form("Hist%s[%d]", block, i); hRaw->SetName(histName.Data()); fillCommand.Form("%s >> %s", detectorChannel.Data(), hRaw->GetName()); fillCondition.Form("%s > %d && %s < %d", detectorChannel.Data(), lowerchannel, detectorChannel.Data(), upperchannel); //filling from the .root raw data file and content arrangement tr->Draw(fillCommand.Data(), fillCondition.Data(), "goff"); //spectrum analysis fitControl = PeaksFitting(hRaw, "Q V v", fFitMinSigma); Info("CalculateCalibParameters", "Value of fitControl is: %d", fitControl); //ok //incorrectly treated spectrum output if (fitControl != 0 && fCalInformation->IsOpen()) { //ok outcalfile << setw(39) << fitControl << endl; fCalInformation->cd(); hRaw->SetLineColor(2); //red fCalInformation->cd(); hRaw->Write(); continue; }//if //correctly treated spectrum saving if (fCalInformation->IsOpen()) { fCalInformation->cd(); hRaw->SetLineColor(kGreen+3); //green hRaw->SetFillColor(kGreen+1); hRaw->Write(); }//if //calibration parameters calculation //ok for (Int_t j = 0; j < kRaNOPEAKS; j++) { //delat podle poctu zkoumanych piku calGraph->SetPoint(j, fPeak[j], fEnergy[j]); //calibration graph filling printf("\tPeak\t%f and energy\t%f\n", fPeak[j], fEnergy[j]); }//for calGraph->Fit(calFunction, "Q", "goff", 0, 4096); //omezit hlasitost fitovani, udelat volitelne, dodelat volby rozsahu outcalfile << block << "\t" /*<< address << "\t"*/ << i << "\t" << setprecision(4) << calFunction->GetParameter(1) << "\t" << setprecision(4) << calFunction->GetParameter(0) << "\t\t" << fitControl << endl; fA[i] = calFunction->GetParameter(1); fB[i] = calFunction->GetParameter(0); //calibration of raw spectra using obtained parameters Info("CalculateCalibParameters", "Energy spectrum from address %s[%d] calculating", block, i); histName.Form("%sE", hRaw->GetName()); histTitle.Form("%s: %s", iFileName.Data(), histName.Data()); hEnergy = new TH1F(histName.Data(), histTitle.Data(), nEBins, 0., 10.); // detectorChannel.Form("%s[%d]", block, i); // hEnergy->SetName(histName.Data()); for (Int_t j = lowerchannel; j < upperchannel; j++) { Int_t binCont = (Int_t)hRaw->GetBinContent(j); // cout << j << ":\t" << hRaw->GetBinContent(j) << endl; for (Int_t k = 0; k < binCont; k++) { hEnergy->Fill( fA[i]*( j+ranGen.Uniform(-0.5, 0.5) ) + fB[i] ); // cout << j << ":\t" << fAOld[address][i]*( j+ranGen.Uniform(-0.5, 0.5) ) + fBOld[address][i] << endl; // cout << j << ":\t" << fAOld[address][i] << endl; } } fw->cd(); hEnergy->Write(); }//for; detector channels fw->Close(); fr->Close(); fCalInformation->Close(); outcalfile.close(); return 1; } void AculCalibration::CalibrateRawSpectra() { //todo: implement this function //function parameters: const char* iFileName = "clb01_0001.root"; const char* treeName = "AnalysisxTree"; const char* branchName = "LiEvent.SQ22[32]"; //const Int_t address = 22; const Int_t lowerElement = 0; const Int_t upperElement = 32; const Int_t lowerChannel = 100, upperChannel = 4096; const Int_t nEBins = 1000; //optional: Long64_t nentries = 0; //function itself: TString iFile = iFileName; TFile fr( iFile.Data() ); if ( !fr .IsOpen() ) { Error("CalibrateRawSpectra", "File %s was not opened and won't be processed", iFile.Data()); return; } TString tName = treeName; TTree *tr = (TTree*)fr.Get(tName.Data()); if (!tr) { Error("CalibrateRawSpectra", "Tree %s was not found in file %s", tName.Data(), iFile.Data()); return; } tr->SetMakeClass(1); //!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UShort_t variable[32]; //!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TString bName = branchName; tr->SetBranchAddress(bName.Data(), variable); if (nentries == 0) nentries = tr->GetEntries(); Info("CalibrateRawSpectra", "%lld entries from tree %s will be read.", nentries, tr->GetName()); //make histogram to fill const Int_t noElements = upperElement - lowerElement +1; //number of treated detector elements TH1F *hEnergy[noElements]; for (Int_t i = 0; i < noElements; i++) { hEnergy[i] = 0; } TString histName; TString histTitle; for (Int_t i = 0; i < noElements; i++) { histName.Form("%sE%d", bName.Data(), i+lowerElement); histTitle.Form("%s: %s", iFile.Data(), bName.Data()); hEnergy[i] = new TH1F(histName.Data(), histTitle.Data(), nEBins, 0., 10.); } TRandom3 ranGen(1); for (Long64_t j = 0; j < nentries; j++) { tr->GetEntry(j); for (Int_t i = lowerElement; i <= upperElement; i++) { // printf("\n\n"); // Info("CalculateCalibParameters", "Calculating calibration parameters for detector channel %s[%d].", block, i); //TH1I object preparing // hRaw = new TH1I("name", "title", 4096, 0, 4095); //nastavovat hranice histogramu podle parametru fce // detectorChannel.Form("%s[%d]", block, i); // histName.Form("Hist%s[%d]", block, i); // hRaw->SetName(histName.Data()); // fillCommand.Form("%s >> %s", detectorChannel.Data(), hRaw->GetName()); // fillCondition.Form("%s > %d && %s < %d", // detectorChannel.Data(), lowerchannel, detectorChannel.Data(), upperchannel); // //filling from the .root raw data file and content arrangement // tr->Draw(fillCommand.Data(), fillCondition.Data(), "goff"); //calibration of raw spectra using obtained parameters // Info("CalculateCalibParameters", "Energy spectrum from address %s[%d] calculating", block, i); // histName.Form("%sE", hRaw->GetName()); // histTitle.Form("%s: %s", iFileName.Data(), histName.Data()); // detectorChannel.Form("%s[%d]", block, i); // hEnergy->SetName(histName.Data()); if (variable[i] > lowerChannel && variable[i] < upperChannel) { hEnergy[i-lowerElement]->Fill( fA[i]*( variable[i]+ranGen.Uniform(-0.5, 0.5) ) + fB[i] ); } }//for subaddresses }//for entries fr.Close(); TString oFileName; //outputfile with calibrated spectra if ( (lowerElement == 0) && (upperElement == ADDRESSNUMBER-1) ) { oFileName.Form("%sE.root", bName.Data()); } else { if (lowerElement == upperElement) { oFileName.Form("%s[%d]E.root", bName.Data(), lowerElement); } else { oFileName.Form("%s[%d-%d]E.root", bName.Data(), lowerElement, upperElement); } } TFile fw(oFileName.Data(), "RECREATE"); if (fw.IsOpen() == 0) { Error("CalculateCalibParameters", "File %s was not created and won't be processed\n\n", oFileName.Data()); return; } fw.cd(); for (Int_t i = 0; i < noElements; i++) { hEnergy[i]->Write(); } fw.Close(); return; } void AculCalibration::CalibrateRawSpectra(const char* inputfile, const char* block, /*const Int_t address,*/ const char* treename, Int_t lowerchannel, Int_t upperchannel, Int_t nEBins, Int_t lowersubaddress, Int_t uppersubaddress) { //input file with raw data opening TString iFileName = inputfile; TFile *fr = new TFile(iFileName.Data()); if ( !fr->IsOpen() ) { Error("CalculateCalibParameters", "File %s was not opened and won't be processed", iFileName.Data()); return; } TTree *tr = (TTree*)fr->Get(treename); if (!tr) { Error("CalculateCalibParameters", "Tree %s was not found in file %s", treename, iFileName.Data()); return; } TH1I *hRaw = 0; TH1F *hEnergy = 0; TRandom3 ranGen(1); TString detectorChannel; TString histName; TString histTitle; TString fillCommand; TString fillCondition; TString oFileName; //outputfile with calibrated spectra if ( (lowersubaddress == 0) && (uppersubaddress == ADDRESSNUMBER-1) ) { oFileName.Form("%s[]Ecal.root", block); } else { if (lowersubaddress == uppersubaddress) { oFileName.Form("%s[%d]Ecal.root", block, lowersubaddress); } else { oFileName.Form("%s[%d-%d]Ecal.root", block, lowersubaddress, uppersubaddress); } } TFile *fw = new TFile(oFileName.Data(), "RECREATE"); if (fw->IsOpen() == 0) { Error("CalculateCalibParameters", "File %s was not created and won't be processed\n\n", oFileName.Data()); return; } for (Int_t i = lowersubaddress; i <= uppersubaddress; i++) { printf("\n\n"); Info("CalculateCalibParameters", "Calculating calibration parameters for detector channel %s[%d].", block, i); //TH1I object preparing hRaw = new TH1I("name", "title", 4096, 0, 4095); //nastavovat hranice histogramu podle parametru fce detectorChannel.Form("%s[%d]", block, i); histName.Form("Hist%s[%d]", block, i); hRaw->SetName(histName.Data()); fillCommand.Form("%s >> %s", detectorChannel.Data(), hRaw->GetName()); fillCondition.Form("%s > %d && %s < %d", detectorChannel.Data(), lowerchannel, detectorChannel.Data(), upperchannel); //filling from the .root raw data file and content arrangement tr->Draw(fillCommand.Data(), fillCondition.Data(), "goff"); //spectrum analysis // fitControl = PeaksFitting(hRaw, "Q", fFitMinSigma); // Info("CalculateCalibParameters", "Value of fitControl is: %d", fitControl); //ok //incorrectly treated spectrum output // if (fitControl != 0 && fCalInformation->IsOpen()) { //ok // outcalfile << setw(39) << fitControl << endl; // fCalInformation->cd(); // hRaw->SetLineColor(2); //red // fCalInformation->cd(); // hRaw->Write(); // continue; // }//if //correctly treated spectrum saving // if (fCalInformation->IsOpen()) { // fCalInformation->cd(); // hRaw->SetLineColor(kGreen+3); //green // hRaw->SetFillColor(kGreen+1); // hRaw->Write(); // }//if //calibration parameters calculation //ok // for (Int_t j = 0; j < kRaNOPEAKS; j++) { //delat podle poctu zkoumanych piku // calGraph->SetPoint(j, fPeak[j], fEnergy[j]); //calibration graph filling // }//for // calGraph->Fit(calFunction, "Q", "goff", 0, 4096); //omezit hlasitost fitovani, udelat volitelne, dodelat volby rozsahu // outcalfile // << block << "\t" // << address << "\t" // << i << "\t" // << setprecision(4) << calFunction->GetParameter(1) << "\t" // << setprecision(4) << calFunction->GetParameter(0) << "\t\t" // << fitControl // << endl; // fAOld[address][i] = calFunction->GetParameter(1); // fBOld[address][i] = calFunction->GetParameter(0); //calibration of raw spectra using obtained parameters Info("CalculateCalibParameters", "Energy spectrum from address %s[%d] calculating", block, i); histName.Form("%sE", hRaw->GetName()); histTitle.Form("%s: %s", iFileName.Data(), histName.Data()); hEnergy = new TH1F(histName.Data(), histTitle.Data(), nEBins, 0., 10.); // detectorChannel.Form("%s[%d]", block, i); // hEnergy->SetName(histName.Data()); for (Int_t j = lowerchannel; j < upperchannel; j++) { Int_t binCont = (Int_t)hRaw->GetBinContent(j); // cout << j << ":\t" << hRaw->GetBinContent(j) << endl; for (Int_t k = 0; k < binCont; k++) { hEnergy->Fill( fA[i]*( j+ranGen.Uniform(-0.5, 0.5) ) + fB[i] ); // cout << j << ":\t" << fAOld[address][i]*( j+ranGen.Uniform(-0.5, 0.5) ) + fBOld[address][i] << endl; // cout << j << ":\t" << fAOld[address][i] << endl; } } fw->cd(); hEnergy->Write(); }//for } void AculCalibration::FindEnergyPeaks(TCanvas *c1, const char* ifile, const char* outfile) { TString iFile = ifile; TFile *fr = new TFile(iFile.Data()); if ( !fr->IsOpen() ) { Error("FindEnergyPeaks", "File %s was not opened and won't be processed.", iFile.Data()); return; } TList *histList = fr->GetListOfKeys(); Info("FindEnergyPeaks", "%d keys found in file %s.", histList->GetEntries(), fr->GetName()); //creation of output text file with positions of peaks in MeV TString workFile = outfile; std::ofstream ofile; ofile.open(workFile.Data()); if (!ofile.is_open()) { Error("PeaksFitting", "Output file %s was not opened", workFile.Data()); return; } TH1 *hWork = 0; c1->Clear(); c1->Divide(6, 6); for (Int_t i = 0; i < histList->GetEntries(); i++) { fr->GetObject(histList->At(i)->GetName(), hWork); c1->cd(i+1); PeaksFitting(hWork); hWork->Draw(); ofile<IsOpen() ) { Error("FindAverageEnergies", "File %s was not opened and won't be processed.", iFile.Data()); return; } TList *histList = fr->GetListOfKeys(); Info("FindAverageEnergies", "%d keys found in file %s.", histList->GetEntries(), fr->GetName()); //creation of output text file with average values of peak energies in MeV TString workFile = outfile; std::ofstream ofile; ofile.open(workFile.Data()); if (!ofile.is_open()) { Error("PeaksFitting", "Output file %s was not opened", workFile.Data()); return; } TH1 *hWork = 0; Double_t hArray[histList->GetEntries()][kRaNOPEAKS]; //TString hSumName; Double_t hSumE1 = 0.; Double_t hAvrE1 = 0.; Double_t hSumE2 = 0.; Double_t hAvrE2 = 0.; Double_t hSumE3 = 0.; Double_t hAvrE3 = 0.; Double_t hSumE4 = 0.; Double_t hAvrE4 = 0.; // c1->Clear(); // c1->Divide(6, 6); for (Int_t i = 0; i < histList->GetEntries(); i++) { fr->GetObject(histList->At(i)->GetName(), hWork); PeaksFitting(hWork); for(Int_t j = 0; j < kRaNOPEAKS; j++) { hArray[i][j] = fPeak[j]; if(fPeak[j]==0.){ Error("FindAverageEnergies", "No peak in channel %i !", histList->GetEntries()); } //hSumName.Form("hSumE%i",j); } hSumE1 += hArray[i][0]; hSumE2 += hArray[i][1]; hSumE3 += hArray[i][2]; hSumE4 += hArray[i][3]; // std::cout<<"i "<GetEntries(); hAvrE2 = hSumE2/histList->GetEntries(); hAvrE3 = hSumE3/histList->GetEntries(); hAvrE4 = hSumE4/histList->GetEntries(); ofile <<"Average energies are:\t"< ADDRESSNUMBER ) { Error("ShowAnalyzedSpectra", "Possible subaddress values have to be in range 0 - %d", ADDRESSNUMBER - 1); return; } if (!fittedRawCanvas) { Warning("ShowAnalyzedSpectra", "You have to assign TCanvas for fitted raw spectra drawing"); return; } TFile *fr = new TFile(filename, "READ"); if (!fr->IsOpen()) { cout << "File " << filename << " was not opened" << endl; return; } TList *histList; histList = fr->GetListOfKeys(); Int_t listEntries = histList->GetEntries(); TH1I *hDraw = 0; fittedRawCanvas->Clear(); // fittedRawCanvas->SetFillColor(10); if ( (listEntries > 1) && (listEntries <= 8) ) { fittedRawCanvas->Divide(2, 4); fittedRawCanvas->SetFillColor(10); } if ( (listEntries > 8) && (listEntries <= 16) ) { fittedRawCanvas->Divide(4, 4); fittedRawCanvas->SetFillColor(10); } if (subaddress >= listEntries) { for (Int_t i = 0; i < listEntries; i++) { fittedRawCanvas->cd(i+1); fr->GetObject(histList->At(i)->GetName(), hDraw); if (hDraw) { hDraw->SetAxisRange(xaxismin, xaxismax, "X"); hDraw->Draw(); hDraw->SetDirectory(0); // if (fHAnalyzedList) { // fHAnalyzedList->Add(hDraw); // } fHAnalyzedList.Add(hDraw); } }//for } else { fr->GetObject(histList->At(subaddress)->GetName(), hDraw); if (hDraw) { hDraw->SetAxisRange(xaxismin, xaxismax, "X"); hDraw->Draw(); hDraw->SetDirectory(0); fHAnalyzedList.Add(hDraw); } } fr->Close(); fittedRawCanvas->Update(); return; } void AculCalibration::ShowEnergySpectra(const char *filename, TCanvas* energyCanvas, const Int_t subaddress, Option_t* option, Double_t xaxismin, Double_t xaxismax) { if ( subaddress > ADDRESSNUMBER ) { Error("ShowEnergySpectra", "Possible subaddress values have to be in range 0 - %d", ADDRESSNUMBER - 1); return; } if (!energyCanvas) { Warning("ShowEnergySpectra", "You have to assign TCanvas for fitted raw spectra drawing"); return; } TString opt = option; opt.ToLower(); TFile *fr = new TFile(filename, "READ"); if (!fr->IsOpen()) { cout << "File " << filename << " was not opened" << endl; return; } TList *histList; histList = fr->GetListOfKeys(); Int_t listEntries = histList->GetEntries(); TH1F *hDraw = 0; energyCanvas->Clear(); energyCanvas->SetFillColor(10); if ( (listEntries > 1) && (listEntries <= 8) ) { energyCanvas->Divide(2, 4); energyCanvas->SetFillColor(10); } if ( (listEntries > 8) && (listEntries <= 16) ) { energyCanvas->Divide(4, 4); energyCanvas->SetFillColor(10); } if (subaddress >= listEntries) { if (opt.Contains("sum")) { energyCanvas->cd(0); for (Int_t i = 0; i < listEntries; i++) { fr->GetObject(histList->At(i)->GetName(), hDraw); if (hDraw) { hDraw->SetDirectory(0); //hDraw->SetAxisRange(xaxismin, xaxismax, "X"); if (opt.Contains("c")) { hDraw->SetLineColor(i+1); } if (opt.Contains("c") && opt.Contains("+")) { hDraw->SetFillColor(i+1); } // fHEnergyStack->Add(hDraw); fHEnergyStack.Add(hDraw); } } if (opt.Contains("+")) { fHEnergyStack.Draw(); } else { fHEnergyStack.Draw("nostack"); } } else { for (Int_t i = 0; i < listEntries; i++) { energyCanvas->cd(i+1); fr->GetObject(histList->At(i)->GetName(), hDraw); if (hDraw) { hDraw->SetAxisRange(xaxismin, xaxismax, "X"); hDraw->Draw(); hDraw->SetDirectory(0); // if (fHEnergyList) { // fHEnergyList->Add(hDraw); // } fHEnergyList.Add(hDraw); } }//for }//else }//if else { fr->GetObject(histList->At(subaddress)->GetName(), hDraw); energyCanvas->cd(0); if (hDraw) { hDraw->SetAxisRange(xaxismin, xaxismax, "X"); hDraw->Draw(); hDraw->SetDirectory(0); fHEnergyList.Add(hDraw); } }//else fr->Close(); energyCanvas->Update(); return; } void AculCalibration::ClearHistograms(Option_t* option) { //clear THStack and TObjArray members //this function will be removed as soon as possible TString opt = option; opt.ToLower(); // fHRawList->Add(hRead); fHRawList.Clear(); fHAnalyzedList.Clear(); fHEnergyList.Clear(); fHEnergyStack.Clear(); return; } void AculCalibration::DeleteStacks(Option_t* option) { if (fCurrentHStack) { delete fCurrentHStack; fCurrentHStack = NULL; } fCurrentHistList.Delete(); return; } void AculCalibration::SetInputParameters() { // TString iFile = inputparfile; if (fParFileName.Length()==0) { Warning("AculCalibration::SetInputsParameters", "File with input parameters was not set."); return; } const Int_t lineLength = 400; Char_t line[lineLength]; Char_t parameter[100]; Char_t identificator[100]; std::ifstream fipr; fipr.open(fParFileName.Data()); if (!fipr.is_open()) { Error("AculCalibration::SetInputsParameters", "File with input parameters \"%s\" was not opened.", fParFileName.Data()); return; } Info("AculCalibration::SetInputsParameters", "File with input parameters \"%s\" will be processed.", fParFileName.Data()); while (!fipr.eof()) { fipr.getline(line, lineLength); if (strlen(line) < 2) { continue; } sscanf(line, "%s %s", parameter, identificator); if ( strcmp(identificator, "noPeaks") == 0 ) { kRaNOPEAKS = static_cast(atoi(parameter)); fEnergyInput.Set(kRaNOPEAKS); fEnergy.Set(kRaNOPEAKS); fPeak.Set(kRaNOPEAKS); for (Int_t i = 0; i < kRaNOPEAKS; i++) { fipr.getline(line, lineLength); sscanf(line, "%s", parameter); fEnergyInput[i] = static_cast(atof(parameter)); } continue; }//if if ( strcmp(identificator, "lowerChannel") == 0 ) { sscanf(line, "%s", parameter); fLowerChannel = static_cast(atof(parameter)); } if ( strcmp(identificator, "upperChannel") == 0 ) { sscanf(line, "%s", parameter); fUpperChannel = static_cast(atof(parameter)); } if ( strcmp(identificator, "lowerPeakHight") == 0 ) { sscanf(line, "%s", parameter); fLowerPeakRelativeHight = static_cast(atof(parameter)); } if ( strcmp(identificator, "upperPeakHight") == 0 ) { sscanf(line, "%s", parameter); fUpperPeakRelativeHight = static_cast(atof(parameter)); } if ( strcmp(identificator, "peakPositionTolerance") == 0 ) { sscanf(line, "%s", parameter); fPeakPositionTolerance = static_cast(atof(parameter)); } if ( strcmp(identificator, "fitFunctionLineWidth") == 0 ) { sscanf(line, "%s", parameter); fFitFuncLineWidth = static_cast(atoi(parameter)); } if ( strcmp(identificator, "minFitSigma") == 0 ) { sscanf(line, "%s", parameter); fFitMinSigma = static_cast(atof(parameter)); } if ( strcmp(identificator, "fitHightThreshold") == 0 ) { sscanf(line, "%s", parameter); fFitPeakThreshold = static_cast(atof(parameter)); } if ( strcmp(identificator, "deadLayer") == 0 ) { sscanf(line, "%s", parameter); fDeadLayer = static_cast(atof(parameter)); } } fipr.close(); return; } void AculCalibration::DivideCanvas(TCanvas *c1, Int_t inputs) {}